Launching Steam from Kodi 20.1 in Linux?
Like the title suggests, I'm curious to know of any methods to open steam from Kodi 20.1 in Linux.

I had been using the steam launcher script from Teeedubb on 19.5 but that doesn't work on 20.1 and I can't figure out if running scripts from favorites even works anymore. Suggestions?
I personally use the Steam Launcher add-on. It's included in my RetroPlayer test builds if you're interested.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
i just ended up going back to 19.5. Thx for answering Smile
Is there any way to solve this or can you let me know when the server will be updated to the correct version
The Steam Launcher add-on should be updated to the current Kodi version. You can give it a try and seek more information in its thread:
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
It looks like this Projeto Relo 2023 or similar in the sample

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