2022 Rocktek G2 (SEI/AMLogic S905X4-K)
Okay. Well I did the first thing and its still keeps me locked out through file managers. I've tried 10 of them. Only found 1 remotely close to giving me access. So I'll learn to deal as far as that is concerned. Do you use Remote ADB Shell or ADB Link? I have only used remote a handful of times. Guess I better start learning it more. lol I'll consider the info on the skin. I did notice and I wonder if there is a way for me to send data to someone to review, as on Firestick I was using a MAX of 3GB data and here it is already something like 7.2GB which is insane. I'll run through files myself soon to see what extra stuff is there that shouldn't be. Thank you for your quick response.
Gotcha. Thank you. I'll look into it from that angle then.
(2023-08-04, 21:51)jepsizofye Wrote: change kodi's permissions in android to allow "access to all files", only media files is set by default

For advancedsetting.xml I didn't need to to change this to use file manager.
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(2023-08-04, 21:57)davelee77 Wrote: Do you use Remote ADB Shell or ADB Link?

Cool. Thank you.
@jepsizofye  Because you make so many bad and misleading posts for areas you know nothing about I had to unblock you to help correct the misinformation you were giving to users I support. 

Just as you did here.

If you are going to block me then block me don't reply. No need to pollute threads with spam, the information is not for you.

@emveepee please stop posting in my thread(s) it is generating useless alerts that i have a response that i cant and dont want to see

thanks, goodbye
I am not sure users can own thread, but I will wait for the moderators opinion here.  You gave the wrong information to a user, potentially opening up unnecessary security permission on Android so I was correcting you.

Believe me I don't like seeing your posts either
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(2023-08-04, 23:34)Karellen Wrote: Threads are open to all members. You can't stop people from posting in them, unless it is spam or too far off-topic, then a mod will deal with it.

the wording you use indicates action to forcibly prevent the action of annoying me when what i posted (rather politely) was a request for a user to cease their actions
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small update on this device

i plugged it back in yesterday to see if it might have a system update to correct any of the issues i had with it

there is no update, latest versions are still old -

Kernel version May 30 2023
Android TV OS security patch level April 5 2023
Android TV OS build RTT0.211009.001.5310 (if i interpret the build number correctly then it is from October 09 2021 which lines up with the initial release)

still no support for dvhe profile 7 for native apps but kodi will play it
audio still drops occasionally requiring restart - entirely across the device, not app specific
even with the increased ram of 4GB it can get sluggish and average free memory is less than 200M (due to the increased amount of apps on the device likely)

it did receive a number of app updates via the play store when i plugged it in, nothing specific and the only thing i really noticed was a webkit update

i am trying to retrack my issues with it but i have forgotten most of them, as i recall there were issues with audio in kodi so if that arises i will note it then try with a newer kodi for comparison

i still would like this device to work but without any system updates it is heading back to the shelf



shortly after posting this update audio completely stopped working on the device for all apps and not even a restart would fix it so it went back to the shelf

i will revisit at a later date; unless before that time i find a different device to test instead
I don't own a rocktek but I follow on telegram homatics user group and homatics beta group to be updated about s905x4 device

G2 is a clone (not the correct word ) like dune or Nokia 8010 of original Sei/homatics 4k 4k+ player

5310 is latest final build and there are some betas but you can install it only on Homatics player

SEI is working on ATV12 firmware and I hope finally will have a working AFR for netflix etc

I suggest to follow homatics telegram group

I don't own* it so I can't help you very much

*= I will buy it until atv 12 firmware is released or I will wait for a new s905x5 device

For what I know on android you will never get dv7 profile

You can use Corelec all work correctly (also afr,)
yea i bought it on a whim because it went on sale and i knew it was just part of a "group" of sei clones

hopefully the update traverses to this product or i will have to buy the homatics to test that one - not before its updated though, same as you stated

my firetv cube gen3 will play profile 7 natively with exoplayer/jellyfin app but you may be right that 'android tv' products might not ever
which will be annoying because i like the android experience more - my cube is very generic for functionality right now, it has ATVLauncher which is as vanilla as it gets + kodi and my other streaming apps

as i recall corelec on this device was working great but without widevine for my streaming habit it is less useful for my purposes

i will check in to the telegram group thanks for the tip

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