How Do You Add .strm files to Pseudo TV Live? Do you add them to a playlist or directly to a channel?

So, Experimenting with STRMs in the continuing attempt to get YouTube Channels to Randomize. I Believe I have the right format for a strm file, that is one line saved in a text document as .strm 
So I have made a couple of STRM files for test


There's the one for "EWUCrew" playlist. Now all to do is add it to a channel. But I think Ive tried every option and can't seem to add the strm file.
Does absolutely no one, not one single person, use STRM files in kodi?

How can I add a STRM to a video Playlist?

Somebody must know Huh
(2023-08-09, 08:36)OzDrDj Wrote: Does absolutely no one, not one single person, use STRM files in kodi?
Yes, there is a wiki page about it...
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@OzDrDJ  Your solution requires strms for individual content; not YouTube (channels/playlist) directories like the examples below:

What you require are strms to the videos themselves...something like below:


Your ONLY! solution is either find a Kodi strm generator that can parse the YouTube plugin and create strms for each video or download the videos locally!

Either way the PseudoTV Live channel you'd create would use a smartplaylist (XSP is only available to media scraped into Kodi's DB); instead you would create a channel that parses the folder where the videos or strms are found.
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(2023-08-09, 09:03)Karellen Wrote:
(2023-08-09, 08:36)OzDrDj Wrote: Does absolutely no one, not one single person, use STRM files in kodi?
Yes, there is a wiki page about it...

What a waste of a page, It might as well say "Hay, Make a STRM, and Drop it into KODI"
Hello Lunatixz, 

Thanks again for the input, I think I understand where I am going wrong with the whole STRM thinking, so thanks.
My confusion comes from this page
I tried to create a strm yesterday with 2 different results. the first following plugin://$VIDEOID made that and managed to get kodi to play it. 
Then created a second strm with the line plugin://$PLAYLISTID only to have youtube or the youtube addon tell me there is no media to play. 
See, that I don't understand. 
Also, If I manage to create a STRM, how do I add it to PTVL, that I can't see anywhere.
and can a STRM be added to a Playlist?
(2023-08-10, 02:32)OzDrDj Wrote: What a waste of a page, It might as well say "Hay, Make a STRM, and Drop it into KODI"
The wiki is community supported. I don't use Streams, so I have never used that page.
It would be nice if you updated it, once you figured out how it all works. But I guess you probably won't bother. Just keep demanding answers to all your questions.
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(2023-08-10, 06:53)Karellen Wrote:
(2023-08-10, 02:32)OzDrDj Wrote: What a waste of a page, It might as well say "Hay, Make a STRM, and Drop it into KODI"
The wiki is community supported. I don't use Streams, so I have never used that page.
It would be nice if you updated it, once you figured out how it all works. But I guess you probably won't bother. Just keep demanding answers to all your questions.

pretty sure there is no need to update it - it really is "put 1 line of text in a file which is a url, name it with extension .strm, scan it with kodi"
(2023-08-10, 07:09)jepsizofye Wrote: pretty sure there is no need to update it - it really is "put 1 line of text in a file which is a url, name it with extension .strm, scan it with kodi"
Hmm, that is what I thought also...
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You're a nasty little fellow aren't you Karellan, If I could figure all this stream stuff out, be certain I would put some information out there for others who can't work it out. You obviously know everything and expect everyone else to as well, I guess it must be frustrating to be so smart when everyone else is so dumb. Perhaps yo would like to sit down over a beer or three and discuss some of the finer points of Kodi with me some time.
Obviously it's not so easy to implement a stream into kodi or someone else may have shown me the way. All I get are smart comments and go figure it out for myself which takes a lot of time.
You know I use alot of different forums, for different projects and I can tell you, some of the people here are the most stuck up entitled sounding karens i have ever come across.

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