Local Information Only not adding to Library automatically
Have been slowly working through updating my Kodi library with the help of people in the forum. I have created local NFO files myself for home videos, sports videos etc.

I have Kodi set up to only use local information for these folders. Once I have click OK, it briefly shows dialogue that it is scanning but nothing actually scans. However when I go into the individual folders and choose “scan to library” it works perfectly. This would suggest the NFO file is correct.

This is just a minor issue but wondering why Kodi doesn’t go through all the videos and scans automatically if local information is chosen which it does if using TMDB etc is chosen.
(2023-08-06, 05:20)satelly Wrote: This is just a minor issue but wondering why Kodi doesn’t go through all the videos and scans automatically if local information is chosen which it does if using TMDB etc is chosen.
Don't really know. Could be a fasthash issue. Will need to see a Debug Log
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Hi Karellen.

Please see log when recreating this problem. 


Firstly created new Library item for Sports with the correct path. However, it did not seem to scan the folders. Next I went to each folder and chose scan to library and it works.

Thanks again for your assistance
(2023-08-06, 09:24)satelly Wrote: Please see log when recreating this problem. 

Hmm, can't be sure, but I think you have incorrectly set your Source.
In this path... /Users/User/Downloads/Kodi/Sports/AFL 2020/ which folder have you set as your Source in Kodi? I think you set /Kodi/ as your source.

Also, are you aware there is a Sports scraper?
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Thanks Karellen. The source is Sports not Kodi. When I go into files, it shows Sports as the folder and library is mentioned under it. I have tried the Sports scraper but unfortunately there are some seasons that predate what it includes.
(2023-08-06, 10:03)satelly Wrote: The source is Sports not Kodi.
Ok, well there goes that idea.
Not really sure what is going on, then.
I could take a peek in your DB, maybe something there will stand out. If you want to PM it to me, it is located here... /Users/User/Library/Application Support/Kodi/userdata
The log doesn't have anything helpful in it, unfortunately.
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As there are only a small number of videos that fall in these groups, I can manually add them. I wasn't sure if it was something mentioned before so thought I would raise it.

Thanks again for taking the time to help.

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