My picture and slideshow recomentations
1- Add "play slideshow" to folder menu, hate having to click on the folder to open then click on a picture to play slideshow

2- Add much better and more transitions - just look at some of the free screen saver slideshow transitions put kodi to shame.

3- Add option to pick your own background color

4- Add option to pick your own background art

5- Add better sorting options, ie: date,name etc.

6- Add option to play selected music while slide show is running

Anybody else have any suggestions?
Quote:1- Add "play slideshow" to folder menu, hate having to click on the folder to open then click on a picture to play slideshow
You know you can start a recursive slideshow from folder menu on a specific folder?

Quote:6- Add option to play selected music while slide show is running
I'm helping myself with a snapclient on my living room kodi and a snapserver running on my server to play music or even also videos while playing music...
Maybe a nice option to show the actual thumbnails/previews from the file lists for all pictures & movies in all folders and generate folder thumbs for video folders?
(2023-08-20, 20:52)rider666 Wrote: 1- Add "play slideshow" to folder menu, hate having to click on the folder to open then on a picture to play slideshow

2- Add much better and more transitions - just look at some of the free screen saver slideshow transitions put kodi to shame.

3- Add option to pick your own background color

4- Add option to pick your own background art

5- Add better sorting options, ie: date,name etc.

6- Add option to play selected music while slide show is running

Anybody else have any suggestions?

Perhaps it would be beneficial to display actual thumbnails or previews from the file lists for both pictures and movies across all folders. Additionally, generating folder thumbnails specifically for video folders could be a useful feature.
(2024-03-19, 15:50)Stafthcote Wrote:
(2023-08-20, 20:52)rider666 Wrote: 1- Add "play slideshow" to folder menu, hate having to click on the folder to open then on a picture to play slideshow

2- Add much better and more transitions - just look at some of the free screen saver slideshow transitions put kodi to shame.

3- Add option to pick your own background color

4- Add option to pick your own background art

5- Add better sorting options, ie: date,name etc.

6- Add option to play selected music while slide show is running

Anybody else have any suggestions?

Perhaps it would be beneficial to display actual thumbnails or previews from the file lists for both pictures and movies across all folders. Additionally, generating folder thumbnails specifically for video folders could be a useful feature.

I took inserting a link into your reply to be a mistake which I've removed. DO NOT REPEAT AS NEXT YOU'LL BE BANNED.

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