Excluding artwork from favourites folder view
Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but it is about music?
I have a number of radio strm files in a folder. I've added the folder to favourites. It lists all of the strm files exactly as I want, so far, so good! However it also shows the image thumbnail files that are also in the folder. Is there any way of excluding these files from being shown? Maybe there is a line I can add to the favourites xml file to exclude .tbns etc from being shown?
(2023-08-24, 22:31)Chalklands Wrote: However it also shows the image thumbnail files that are also in the folder.
Try deleting the thumb=''' attribute from the <favourite> tag in the favourites.xml file.
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(2023-08-24, 22:38)Karellen Wrote:
(2023-08-24, 22:31)Chalklands Wrote: However it also shows the image thumbnail files that are also in the folder.
Try deleting the thumb=''' attribute from the <favourite> tag in the favourites.xml file.
Unfortunately there isn't one for the folder:
<favourite name="Radio STRMs">ActivateWindow(10003,&quot;/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Radio STRMs/&quot;,return)</favourite>
(2023-08-24, 22:57)Chalklands Wrote: <favourite name="Radio STRMs">ActivateWindow(10003,&quot;/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Radio STRMs/&quot;,return)</favourite>
I am not really familiar with radio streams. Maybe it's not coming from favourites? Maybe the stream is supplying the image? I'm not sure.
I've not experienced favourites displaying images just because they are there. They need to be set.
Can you share that stream? Are you using an addon?
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(2023-08-24, 23:05)Karellen Wrote:
(2023-08-24, 22:57)Chalklands Wrote: <favourite name="Radio STRMs">ActivateWindow(10003,&quot;/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Radio STRMs/&quot;,return)</favourite>
I am not really familiar with radio streams. Maybe it's not coming from favourites? Maybe the stream is supplying the image? I'm not sure.
I've not experienced favourites displaying images just because they are there. They need to be set.
Can you share that stream? Are you using an addon?
Hiya. Thank you for trying to help, appreciated.
Not using an addon apart from favourites.
For example in the folder I have a .strm file and a .tbn for each radio stream. e.g Greatest Hits Radio:
Greatest Hits Radio.strm
Greatest Hits Radio.tbn

Inside the strm file there is one line of text: http://edge-bauerall-01-gos2.sharp-strea...1692566759
I don't want to exclude the tbn file from appearing when I play the stream, I just want it to stop showing in the listing. At the moment when I select the folder all of the files strms and .tbns are showing.

In the favourites file the following is there for the folder:

<favourite name="Radio STRMs">ActivateWindow(10003,&quot;/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Radio STRMs/&quot;,return)
(2023-08-24, 23:17)Chalklands Wrote: Greatest Hits Radio.strm
Greatest Hits Radio.tbn
Yes, you are correct. The artwork will be automatically displayed.
You can right click on the favourites item and select "Choose Thumbnail" then "None". That will clear it.
Also, .tbn artwork is not used by Kodi anymore. It was removed from the video library and (I think) PVR section. No-one got around removing it from Music, by the looks of it.
Use the normal extensions like jpg, png etc.
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(2023-08-24, 23:37)Karellen Wrote:
(2023-08-24, 23:17)Chalklands Wrote: Greatest Hits Radio.strm
Greatest Hits Radio.tbn
Yes, you are correct. The artwork will be automatically displayed.
You can right click on the favourites item and select "Choose Thumbnail" then "None". That will clear it.
Also, .tbn artwork is not used by Kodi anymore. It was removed from the video library and (I think) PVR section. No-one got around removing it from Music, by the looks of it.
Use the normal extensions like jpg, png etc.
Ah, thank you!
(2023-08-24, 23:37)Karellen Wrote:
(2023-08-24, 23:17)Chalklands Wrote: Greatest Hits Radio.strm
Greatest Hits Radio.tbn
Yes, you are correct. The artwork will be automatically displayed.
You can right click on the favourites item and select "Choose Thumbnail" then "None". That will clear it.
Also, .tbn artwork is not used by Kodi anymore. It was removed from the video library and (I think) PVR section. No-one got around removing it from Music, by the looks of it.
Use the normal extensions like jpg, png etc.
I'm using Kodi on a Nvidia Shield.
There is no right click on the remote so I don't see the 'Choose Thumbnail' option. However if I long press, I get a 'Delete' option. If I press this the file gets deleted from my storage, but the thumb is still displayed when playing music, which is fine. I was just wondering why is it still displayed? Does Kodi store a copy of it somewhere else? Will it disappear if I clean the library or similar in the future?


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