Adding Pseudo TV Live to Embuary
Have been using Pseudo TV Live for a while on Confluence, but have recently started playing with Different Skins for added features and artwork. Upon trying the default KODI skin I soon found that other functions actually worked, I didn't realise that some addons can be Skin Dependant, anyway I have been looking for a highly customizable skin that works with Pseudo TV Live. I tried creating a custom link to PTVL but I can only get Embuary to open the channel guide to all channels and nothing displays.
Could you show me how to add PTVL to them Embuarys My Media Main Menu please.
I managed to stumble across copying the Configuration from Amber. I could add PTVL to amber as a custom command, which I couldn't find in Embuary (But im sure I've seen it in there somewhere, just can't find it again). Anyway, copied it over and with a bit of playing about got it working.
However, I found another problem, that is the catch up TV function won't work in Embuary. In Other Skins, When selecting any program from the channel list you can select, Play Program, or Play From here. where as Embuary only has Tune In, which is the same as play from here.
Can the Catch Up TV and Play Program function be implemented or is it in there somewhere and has to be switched on? 
Thank You

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