Hey, sorry for replying so late.
in the last line of post #3 i mentioned that i use custom nodes, but still I think it is not important, because the filter rules are identical in them.
Now, I did as you asked and created a new log, for which I entered the nodes (in this order): albums, artists, years, genre. (again in the albums the artist was included, in the artists list he was not. for years and genre I also entered a relevant entry where the artist in question should be included; for years he was, for genre he wasn't).
also I include the xml code for two nodes here:
<node order="40" type="filter" visible="Library.HasContent(Music)">
<rule field="path" operator="contains">
<value>/Musik-Archiv/Rock, Pop, HipHop etc</value>
<rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
<rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
<rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
<rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
<rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
<rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
<value>/Musik-Archiv/_Radio_/Radio-Mitschnitte (VOLUME-BOOST)</value>
<node order="30" type="filter" visible="Library.HasContent(Music)">
<rule field="path" operator="contains">
<value>/Musik-Archiv/Rock, Pop, HipHop etc</value>
<rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
<rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
<rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
<rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
<rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
<rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
<value>/Musik-Archiv/_Radio_/Radio-Mitschnitte (VOLUME-BOOST)</value>