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Artist list incomplete
Hello everybody,

I just noticed that when i list my music library by artists the list is incomplete, some artists won't show up. When I list by album, which I sort by arist/year, they DO show up.
I tested the genre-list, here also the same artist won't be listet, the corresponding genres wont show. But when using the years-list, again, they DO show up.
So no-show in 'artists' and 'genre', but in 'albums' and 'years' they are included. Seems odd to me. Any ideas what might cause and how to fix this? Is this a known issue?

I assume this is for Kodi v 20.2?  Please confirm.

First thing to check is setting media/music/"show song and album artists" radiobutton.

If "off" please enable.  If on, please enable system debug logging, restart, navigate to music window and open artist node and then year node and select a year.  Exit copy and paste log to

scott s.
Hey Scott,

thanks for your help. Yes, The Kodi version is 20.2.

And yes, I have "show song and album artists" off on purpose. I have enabled it and checked, the artist still won't show in artists list.
I have created the log following your description (btw, Kodi took quite some time to exit, is this normal on debug logging?)

I forgot to mention that I currently use custom nodes, but the filter rules are identical in all of them, I double checked (filtered by path).
Unfortunately your log indicates that "script.areswizard" is installed.  In the past "ares" has been banned as facilitating copyright infringement.  I see some comments online that the current script has removed those features, but can't confirm.  Per Team Kodi policy, no forum support can be given when banned addons are installed.  

If you are willing to uninstall script.areswizard and post a new debug log I will take a look.

scott s.
funny, isn't that just a collection of maintenance tools? I did not expect something like this to be considered banned... However, yes, I have removed it, I have not used it in a long time, didn't even know it was still installed. I do not use content providing addons at all, never did.

I have redone the steps above, the new log is here:
OK have the log and I am reviewing the SQL queries to the database.  I'm not a SQL guru so it will take some time, but I'm hoping the query will point to why you see a difference.

scott s.
Looking at the log file I see a number of the queries have LIMIT statements in them which would truncate the results.

Line 1992 is a GetRecentlyAddedAlbums query: SELECT albumview.*, albumartistview.* with a limit of 10 .  This looks like your album / artist query.

However line 2074 is a GetYearsNav query: SELECT DISTINCT CAST query with no limit  with no limit.  This appears to be your artist by year query.

and on line 2111 is a GetAlbumsByWhere query: SELECT albumview. query with no limit.  This appears to be your album query. 

I am seeing another query with a limit of 20 in it.  When you aren't seeing everything do you know how many you are seeing  (i.e. 10, 20 etc.. ) ?


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Oh it is definitely more. Artists list (missing some entries) is significantly more than 20. There are no limits defined in my nodes.

I hardly ever use the Recently Added Albums listing. Might that be the main menu widget in estuary?
I'm rusty with my Kodi skills so I could be off track, but here goes.
Looking at the log file I can see the SQL filtering the artists to those with music in files with a certain folder path. Someone (or somethingHuh) has edited the artists node, held in xml, and added a path rule.  Check what files you have in userdata/library/music

The default artists.xml file looks like

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<node order="3" type="filter" visible="Library.HasContent(Music)">

If you didn't change artists.xml then I suggest that you consider doing a clean installation.
(2023-09-29, 12:13)DaveBlake Wrote: I'm rusty with my Kodi skills so I could be off track, but here goes.
Looking at the log file I can see the SQL filtering the artists to those with music in files with a certain folder path. Someone (or somethingHuh) has edited the artists node, held in xml, and added a path rule.  Check what files you have in userdata/library/music

The default artists.xml file looks like

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<node order="3" type="filter" visible="Library.HasContent(Music)">

If you didn't change artists.xml then I suggest that you consider doing a clean installation.

Hey, yes, I have set up custom nodes with filtering rules (I mentioned that i one of my previous posts), but these rules are exactly the same in the nodes in question. Some artists do not get listet when using the artists or the genre node, but when using the years node they do get listed. These are my custom nodes, but the filter rules are identical in all of them.
@vonson I see no previous mention of custom nodes or using path rules in this thread, talking of "the artists node" is different from "my custom node for artists". It could help to see the xml of your custom nodes, detailing the rules etc. Also a new log file where you have visited each of the nodes and navigation you mention, so the SQL that was applied will be shown.

I suspect what you are seeing is just how the filtering logic works when building a complex criteria. The SQL criteria invloved when getting the albums, or albums for a year, that have songs that have paths satisfy a logical combination of path rules and then listing by album artist, is different from geting the song artists that have songs of a given song genre AND songs that have paths satisfy a logical combination of path rules. Is the genre and path supposed to apply to the same song, or does the artist quality for either.
Hey, sorry for replying so late.

in the last line of post #3 i mentioned that i use custom nodes, but still I think it is not important, because the filter rules are identical in them.

Now, I did as you asked and created a new log, for which I entered the nodes (in this order): albums, artists, years, genre. (again in the albums the artist was included, in the artists list he was not. for years and genre I also entered a relevant entry where the artist in question should be included; for years he was, for genre he wasn't).

also I include the xml code for two nodes here:
<node order="40" type="filter" visible="Library.HasContent(Music)">
    <rule field="path" operator="contains">
        <value>/Musik-Archiv/Rock, Pop, HipHop etc</value>
    <rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
    <rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
    <rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
    <rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
    <rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
    <rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
        <value>/Musik-Archiv/_Radio_/Radio-Mitschnitte (VOLUME-BOOST)</value>

<node order="30" type="filter" visible="Library.HasContent(Music)">
    <rule field="path" operator="contains">
        <value>/Musik-Archiv/Rock, Pop, HipHop etc</value>
    <rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
    <rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
    <rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
    <rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
    <rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
    <rule field="path" operator="doesnotcontain">
        <value>/Musik-Archiv/_Radio_/Radio-Mitschnitte (VOLUME-BOOST)</value>
actually, just now, I had an idea. When revisiting the years node i noticed the grouping by years. So I copied the album node and grouped it by artists. From a quick glance this seems to work, at least the missing artists from before are included now, so this might be enough of a solution for me for now.  (Album artists is all I use)

However, the fact that these entries are missing in the actual artists node is still a mystery.
Thanks @vonson for the detailed logs visiting all the relevent custom nodes etc., I can see from the SQL what is most probably happening. It is totally significant that you are using custom nodes with multiple path rules, for not only do the standard nodes use different SQL queries, but it is the complexity of applying a combination of (song file) path rules to either artists or albums with or without a selected genre or year that leads to the behaviour you see.

I'll try to explain. When you list albums filtered by path, or albums filtered by path for a year (custom Years node, click on a year), the albums with songs that match the path rules (and year) get listed and thus all names of the albumartists of those albums are displayed.

When you list artists filtered by path the artists that are either song artists or album artists (as opposed to the other contributing roles e.g. drummer or producer) AND related to the songs that match the path rules are displayed. That "relationship" is not only limited to being the song artist and can include artists that contribute some other role e.g. conductor, composer, drummer etc., to songs that match the path rules.

Using a custom genre node with path rulles and selecting a genre will do similar to to the above but limit the songs to those with the selected genre.

So the missing artists in your custom artists node, compared to the custom albums node (or when navigated to from a years or a genres custom node) is because that artist is related one or more songs that your path filter rules EXCLUDE and thus is excluded.
Bottomline the behaviour you see is the logical result of the path filters that you set.
Sorry for being absent for so long, some real life issues got in my way.

DaveBlake, thank you for this detailed explanation. My first intuition was this could not be it since my folders separate pretty basic genres that should not come in each other's way (e.g. one folder for Rock&Pop, one for classic). But then there is a Soundtrack folder...

So did I get this right: Let's say I have some Depeche Mode albums in my Rock&Pop folder. The custom node for Rock&Pop should show them but filter out all the classic- and soundtrack-path stuff. But if there is a Depeche Mode song somewhere on a soundtrack album this will result in Depeche Mode being filtered out of the Rock&Pop node listing?

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