Information I digitalization of My Little Pony DVDs
Hi, I am ripping and digitalization of My Little Pony DVD because I am a Brony enthusiast because I am not a piracy supporter and I am a not supporting piracy because I am going to use HandBrake, FFmoeg and FFmpeg GUI Including Shutter Encoder to convert MP4 and other formats as well.

Because I like my friends and people including Bronies to watch the MLP DVDs because I am a fair use forum user because I try to use HandBrake, FFmoeg and FFmpeg GUI Including Shutter Encoder.

Have a see on my posts.
That's very nice for you but since this isn't really Kodi related I have moved the thread to off-topic.
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if i were rip a dvd or bluray that i own for my personal collection, i'd use MakeMKV and VidCoder.
Personally speaking i wouldnt bother encoding the DVD rips, but if you want to/need the space then i highly recommend VidCoder. (and no i am not affiliated in any way)

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