Problem with Kodi 20.2 database scraper for movies and series on NVIDIA shield
Hello, I have been using Kodi 19 so far. I created my film and series database with TinyMedia Manager and saved it as local files. The import into Kodi 19 worked without any problems. everything great. Google has now updated to version 20. The problem is this: When starting, the database migrated without any problems. However, I couldn't play all of my material. general playback error. Even though the films are there, he can't find them according to log. also reinstalled kodi. Well now the problem is that no more files are being imported. It worked on Kodi 19. The films are located in individual folders
correspond to the film name. This folder isn't there at all, the same with series. At least in the search display it shows me the respective series that is currently being scanned but finds 0 episodes. I had the same problem on the Xbox. The setting to use the “Film Database” instead of “Local Files” is also pointless. Nothing just happens. Do you have an idea? I believe the version may have issues with external disks.
To receive meaningful assistance you will need to provide a full debug log.

The instructions are here... debug log (wiki)

If you are using the Basic Method, then ensure the following is applied...
1.Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging,
2.Restart Kodi
3.Replicate the problem.
4.Upload the log to Kodi Paste Site manually or use the Kodi Logfile Uploader. (wiki) With either method post the link to the log back here.

If you are using the Advanced Method ensure you have correctly created and applied the advancedsettings.xml file (wiki)

In both instances, you should see the word DEBUG throughout the log.

Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs
Do NOT post your logs directly into the forum. Use the Kodi Paste Site. Post the link to your pasted log in the forum
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Links to : Official:Forum rules (wiki) | Official:Forum rules/Banned add-ons (wiki) | Debug Log (wiki)
Links to : HOW-TO:Create Music Library (wiki) | HOW-TO:Create_Video_Library (wiki)  ||  Artwork (wiki) | Basic controls (wiki) | Import-export library (wiki) | Movie sets (wiki) | Movie universe (wiki) | NFO files (wiki) | Quick start guide (wiki)
(2023-11-15, 08:59)Olilpz Wrote: Google has now updated to version 20
(2023-11-15, 08:59)Olilpz Wrote: I believe the version may have issues with external disks.

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Problem with Kodi 20.2 database scraper for movies and series on NVIDIA shield0
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