invoke JSON-RPC way to send HDMI-CEC command to turn on the TV?
Dear Forum.

1st, Thank you all for the development of truly best mediacenter there is Smile
Using LibreElec 9.3x on Raspberry Pi 4. (Kodi 19)

Problem: Using HTTPApi JSON-RPC method to launch a video file does not trigger HDMI-CEC command to turn on the TV.
Launch local file with JSON-RPC:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "Player.Open",
    "params": {
        "item": {
            "file": "/video/1.mp4"
    "id": 1

Workaround: Using WebUI to launch a video file will trigger HDMI-CEC command to turn on the TV and the file is opened.

Question: Have anyone found out with what HTTPApi JSON-RPC command may trigger HDMI-CEC signal to turn on the TV?

Thank you.

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