Help compiling Kodi for Apple TV
I am following this guide to compile kodi but for some reason, I am not getting any addons with the build. I am following this guide that might be outdated. I used the following code to compile the addons but I don't think it works. make -C tools/depends/target/cmakebuildsys CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS="-DENABLE_XCODE_ADDONBUILD=ON" 

I then used the code in the macOS build that worked but still no addons when Kodi is compiled. Am I supposed to move the addons folder to another directory? I am using the kodi-build folder.
the make -C command must be issued in the root source directory, are you doing it right?
I followed the wiki exactly as written. I am able to build and install kodi but no addons. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. 

1. git clone kodi
2. cd $HOME/kodi/tools/depends
3. ./bootstrap
4. ./configure --host=aarch64-apple-darwin --with-platform=tvos
5. cd $HOME/kodi/
6. make -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
7. make -C tools/depends/target/cmakebuildsys CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS="-DENABLE_XCODE_ADDONBUILD=ON"
6. mkdir $HOME/kodi-build
7. make -C tools/depends/target/cmakebuildsys BUILD_DIR=$HOME/kodi-build
8. cd $HOME/kodi-build
9. xcodebuild -config "Debug" -jobs $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
Did you actually read the link about binary add-ons

You have to specify something with -DADDONS_TO_BUILD
I read it and I also tried the option to build specific addon such as the following. What does build all add-on automatically mean?

make -C tools/depends/target/cmakebuildsys CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS="-DENABLE_XCODE_ADDONBUILD=ON -DADDONS_TO_BUILD='audioencoder.flac pvr.hts'"

Generate Xcode project to build all add-ons automatically:
make -C tools/depends/target/cmakebuildsys CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS="-DENABLE_XCODE_ADDONBUILD=ON"
ENABLE_XCODE_ADDONBUILD=ON just add-ons a target to the generated Xcode project, so you can select to build inside Xcode. Prior to that you had to build add-ons outside of Xcode using make and the binary-addons target prior to building kodi in xcode
I will try this again later when I get home. Is there a command that will build all the addons and include in build? I am trying to see if this will fix the issue I have with not being able to save the settings with the tvheadend addon.
I  never got it too work either.  As I posted earlier the easiest way for me was to download the full deb for tvOS, update overwriting with my compiled Kodi binary and not bother building all of them.  Make sure versions match of course.
I have no idea what you mean. I am not familiar with these things so need clear instructions. The plugins work in 19.5 so maybe I will use that instead.
Download the .deb file create the Payload.ipa from it according to the instructions.    Using Finder go into  the Payload.ipa -> and there will be a file called Kodi.  Replace it with your compiled Kodi

Alternatively if you PM me I can send you a link to the one I made a few weeks ago.   It is post 20.2 but pvr.hts will have the stutter issue.  If your testing finds that pvr.hts works with my patch I can probably package it up again, I don't run macOS that often, my PC is triple boot.  You can also update my package pvr.hts from Jenkins similar to how the Kodi app gets updated.
Has anyone been able to compile a recent version of kodi for ATV3 (arm) ?
any new progress?
atv3 running newer kodi is a great demand. appreciate to helping do this!
team doesn't support ATV 3 anymore, you're on your own
have a research that from Jarvis all TARGET_DARWIN_IOS_ATV2 marco was removed Undecided
does it mean can not running on atv3 anymore?
if compare source and make some code support TARGET_DARWIN_IOS_ATV2. will it ok or it is correct?
(2024-02-21, 08:50)sentball Wrote: have a research that from Jarvis all TARGET_DARWIN_IOS_ATV2 marco was removed Undecided
does it mean can not running on atv3 anymore?
if compare source and make some code support TARGET_DARWIN_IOS_ATV2. will it ok or it is correct?

sorry, I have no idea, and pretty sure that none of the active devs has either. Fork and experiment, if you want it that hard Smile

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