Looking for a skin that shows properly movies with horizontal posters

I have a set of home-made posters that are in 16:9 horizontal aspect ratio. Most of the skins that I tested are just cropping them. I would like to know if someone knows either:
- A skin that allows horizontal movies posters to be displayed
- A tweak on the common skins (Estuary, and I'm also used to Amber) to allow that.

To anticipate questions, I don't use scrappers, all my NFO and assets are created with 3rd party tools (Mediaelch and TinyMediaManager).

Thanks !!
Looking for ones that support 'landscape' views would be best suited to these images.
Oh, yes you're right, 'landscape' view is exactly what I would need !!

In the skins that I know, the only views that show movies in landscape are the ones that can be browsed horizontally. I'm looking for something that can populate a full page, in a grid kind of a view. Any idea which skin I should look at ?
(2024-01-17, 19:33)n612301p Wrote: landscape' view is exactly what I would need
Try Arctic Horizon 2... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=367352

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Thank you for the suggestion. I just tried it, and it could fit my needs !

Thanks !

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