Play smart playlist but get it to resume movies
I've made a smart playlist to play one movie from a list of movies.

$HOME\.kodi\userdata\playlists\video\one random movie.xsp:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="movies">
    <name>one random movie</name>
    <rule field="filename" operator="is">
    <order direction="ascending">random</order>

from $HOME\.kodi\userdata\keymaps\remote.xml:
            <obc10>PlayMedia(special://videoplaylists/one random movie.xsp,resume)</obc10>

It mostly works, I can press the remote button and it plays a random movie from the list, but I want it to resume each individual movie from the point that I was up to.

Is there any way to get it to resume each movie at the point it was up to, instead of starting at the beginning of each movie??
is the default select action set to Resume?

outside of that i'm not aware of anything
It wasn't, it was set to ask every time, but I tried changing it to resume and it did not fix it.

Still plays every movie from the beginning.
Looking at the code, what you have in your xml would appear to be correct so I think this might be a bug.  Perhaps @ksooo could comment?
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Heloooooo @ksooo
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Play smart playlist but get it to resume movies0
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