Atari800 Emulator - How to map functions keys (Start, Option, Select) to Joystick?
ERROR: LibreELEC-RPi4.aarch64-11.0-retroplayer-20240205-fbe67c3d.img.gz is not compatible with RPi4.arm hardware - update cancelled
Current System: RPI4.arm
Update system: RPI4.aarch64
It looks like you're running arm32 and trying to use the Update folder to update to arm64? I could pop out an arm32 image for the RPi 4, but it would probably be better to move to arm64 by flashing the image to a new SD card. If you have two SD cards then you can save your arm32 one as a backup.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
OK, I heard back from the LE team. official arm64 support was added in LE 12, so all official LE 11 images are arm32-only. Which means the LE 11 image I created is special, because you get both the latest  LE 11 (11.0.6) and arm64. So you have two options, flash a second SD card with my image for testing, or if you want to stick with arm32, let me know and I'll create an arm32 build of 11.0.6.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
OK, follow-up follow-up, I realize that LE 11 arm64 images won't have any repos for emulators. I'll move all LE 11 builds to arm. You can expect an LE 11 image that'll work on your Pi in a few hours.

EDIT: 32-bit RPi4 image now available at
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
Thx. Updated successfully my exisiting installstion. Start testing. Give me some time.

I have seen that there are now 2 Atari5200 Emulators installed:

    Atari - 5200 (a5200) v 2.02.16.
    Atari - 5200 (Atari800) v.3.1034

Which one is the correct one? O-
There's two emulators installed because I signed you up to test both Wink atari800 is the one we want to get working fully because it supports more platforms and input types, but as long as we're at it lets get a5200 tested and working too, if you're up for it. If you don't care for a5200 that's ok too Smile

You can see the difference here in the topology definitions:

So atari800 is basically a better and more complete version of a5200, but it doesn't hurt to have some emulator redundancy.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
I'm struggling with that issue
Retroplayer Strechmode
I'm  not able to return to normal mode. Guisetting is ignored and overwritten. Any hint?
It could be a problem with the OpenGL shaders. I'll try to reproduce on my RPi 4 and see if I can fix it.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
Reporting in, I took all the work we did and shipped it across the ecosystem. No need for a test build anymore, it's all in the repos and upstream now. This should allow for wider testing of the state we got everything into earlier this year, which was pretty damn impressive if I may say.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth

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Atari800 Emulator - How to map functions keys (Start, Option, Select) to Joystick?0
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