Next Up is missing from home screen
Hey everyone, sorry I did a search and couldn't find a relevant discussion.

I recently updated Kodi to the latest [EDIT: 20.3 from Play Store, running on Nvidia Shield Pro], and I noticed I no longer see Next Up on the home screen.

[EDIT: When I start up Kodi and go to the home screen, I see a Next up (embycon) spinning and then disappears.]

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How do I bring Next Up back?

TIA 🙏🏻
(2024-03-02, 02:01)vurt Wrote: latest

latest is not a version, currently there are 3 versions available for download 20.4, 21 beta3 and 21 nightly

but if you mean 21 Omega then you might find this post from the official thread enlightening
My bad, thank you. It's 20.3, installed it from the Play Store on Nvidia Shield Pro.
Nextup hasn't been working for quite a while apparently due to the way embycon now works and the Embuary skin not being updated in so long.

A work around is to add a custom widget. Sorry these instructions will be a bit sketchy as I haven't currently got Embuary installed due to Kodi not thinking its compatible with latest Kodi Omega V21.0

In Kodi, go to System/Interface/Custom Widget
Add widget, select Add-ons/video add-ons/emby con/emby libraries/next up
Once created, select widget options (below they actual widget), setup options (like poster type, video etc)
(Same goes if you want to update any of the other widgets if not working)

In system settings, go to Home & Hubs
Edit Widgets
In Nextup entry, select edit and browse to your custom widget and select (show be down the bottom)

Exit out and everything should once be good again in the world

BTW When creating the widget, you can also select Global option (instead of Emby libraries) to include all Movies or TV Shows.
Thank you very much!

Unfortunately my Kodi just updated to v21 too and I'm looking for a new skin. Which do you use?

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