Mod Aeon MQ 8 Mod for Kodi 21 (Omega)
UPDATE #5 - This will update the skin to v1.0.5

Image Bug fixes
  • The Metacritic Must-See icon was not displaying due to the invalid string SkinHelper.ListItem.MetaCritic.Votes. Thanks to martinsvision for reporting the bug!
  • The extra label was not displaying if you selected a Movie with different versions and then selected the "EXTRAS" button from the window. Thanks to Juan Mortyme for reporting the bug!
@latts9923 Thanks for the update !! Quick question is the Metacritic getting "No Critics" part of String that was bad or the Scraper no pulling like in the Tv Shows ?

You're welcome! Yeah, that was the bad string.
@latts9923 i can't seem to get the # of critics to work. Do you think it could be related to the Tvshows not scraping certain ratings?

I think it's either Metacritic not providing that info any longer or Skin Helper needs an update.
@latts9923 Could it be the Metadata and Artwork im on is 1.20.1 ? I saw somewhere But cant seem to find were
UPDATE #6 - This will update the skin to v1.0.6

Image Additions
  • I added a new plot setting to the KodiFlix view for Movies named "CONSENSUS AND PLOT", as well as a new plot setting for Sets named "PLOT AND EXTENDED PLOT". Thanks to Juan Mortyme for the request!
  • I added code to Sets for the KodiFlix view that will allow you the option to display the clearlogo and plot for each Movie in the Set. This new option for the "PLOT:" setting is named "EXTENDED PLOT WITH CLEARLOGO".
  • There are now three separate buttons for "PLOT:" in the KodiFlix and KodiFlixTV for Movies, Sets and TV Shows.

Image Bug fix
  • The "IMPORT SKIN SETTINGS" button in SKIN SETTINGS ► RESTORE SETTINGS was not working correctly. You can now select the saved settings file from the list.

  • I overhauled all the code for KodiFlix...adjusted image positions, adjusted position and size of plot textboxes, removed irrelevant code, etc.
(2024-03-22, 21:36)latts9923 Wrote:
UPDATE #1 - This will update the skin to v1.0.1

Image Addition
  • I added a "SEASON FANART" buttons for Seasons. The art buttons for Seasons and Episodes now behave like this..."DEFAULT FANART" (TV Show fanart), "ARTWORK HELPER" (multiple TV Show fanart if available) and "SEASON FANART" (multiple Season fanart if available).

Thanks for all your work keeping these skins compatible! I am experience some strange behavior with the season fanart option in the art menu that I didn't experience on previous versions (I also have a setup with Aeon MQ8 on Kodi 18.8). When I enter a TV show, the fanart doesn't load in for several seconds (remains showing black screen because my backdrop is not selected). On Aeon MQ9 and Estuary default skin the fanart loads instantly. Then when entering a season, the fanart is doesn't load at all for the episode view even after waiting. Upon backing out to season view again, the fanart is not cached and has to load in again after a few seconds. This issue occurs for shows that also only have a single fanart (fanart.jpg) as well as shows that have (season01-fanart.jpg). It does not occur if the season fanart setting in the art menu is turned off (only shows fanart.jpg in that case, no black screens).

I uploaded some pictures and my log file below. Any idea what the issue might be? Any help is appreciated Smile
UPDATE #7 - This will update the skin to v1.0.7

Image Additions
  • I added a "GO TO PLAYLIST" button in the Top Menu under "COLLECTION/CHANGE VIEW". This button is available in the default Estuary skin when you queue a video, but was never included with MQ 7.
  • I added fanart code to the playlist screen. It will now display fanart based on your "ART" settings in the Top Menu.

Image Bug fixes
  • The plot was not displaying for KodiFlixTV. Thanks to Gilogo for reporting the bug!
  • Animated fanart for TV Shows, Seasons and Episodes was not displaying.
You're welcome! I'll take a look and get back with you.
Is there a way to make Character Art appear if there is no Actress Art or vice versa? 🤔
Sure...I'll make a button called "SHOW CHARACTERART IF MISSING" for the "ACTRESS" setting and "SHOW ACTRESS ART" for the "CHARACTERART" setting. They will both be disabled by default.

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