Kodi v21 "Omega" RC1 Released
Kodi v21 Release Candidate 1 is now available.

Changelog can be reviewed here... https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/releases/tag/21.0rc1-Omega

Read more here... https://kodi.tv/article/kodi-21-0-omega-rc1/
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Is there a reason why release candidates are provided in Windows Store? I'd like to update to 20.5 and not to 21RC1  Huh
(2024-03-09, 13:48)SeBoss Wrote: Is there a reason why release candidates are provided in Windows Store? I'd like to update to 20.5 and not to 21RC1  Huh

Probably because its considered stable enough for people to use?

Why dont you download the version you want from kodi website?
HTPC: AMD Ryzen 9 7900 | AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT | 32GB DDR5 6000 | 2x WD Black SN770 1TB + 204TB HDD.
TV/Audio: LG OLED CX 77 | Yamaha RX-A3070 | 5.1.2 Atmos Speaker Setup

Kodi: v21.2 Omega | Skin: Madnox.Redux v21.01.02 | OS: Windows 11 Home
Unable to install add-on from Kodi official repository.
Seriously? If you consider a version to be stable enough for people to use, it is a final. Especially in an official app store. If I want to test a release candidate, I install it manually from the website. I decided to use Kodi from Windows Store because of the auto update feature, but not to a non-final version.
I encountered a problem when using the Windows version under Windows 11:

When I open the movie list, it takes much longer to display the list (roundabout 10 secs) than with Kodi 20 (below 1 sec).
I use a mySQL database with about 2500 movies.

Any idea?
@crazyturk You'll have to provide a bit more information, other than 'it doesn't install' (operating system, hardware, gfx engine, error codes etc.. without we have no clue)
@crazyturk The version is solid & stable for most, and all the developers have reported it's good to go; reporting, release is after dev-con.
@wwessel I actually found it faster with a larger collection, but then I don't utilize the mySQL database. Submit a proper debug log in the windows forum.

Just in case someone thinks that this RC1 isn't appreciated. What a wonderful slice of software.

I thank- all those involved in the continuing effort that is Kodi and welcome all the new features and fixes.
Thanks, the issue of not being able to connect to the repository has been fixed by CoreELEC.
I tested the brand new LibreELEC 11.95.1 bringing Kodi 21 RC1, but I got the same behaviour. It has nothing to do with the WIndows version, it's a general issue.
I compared the database schemas of MyVideos121 and MyVideos131, but I can't find the cause here. All indexes which are on v121 are on v131, too.

Maybe Kodi20 selects only the first entries when opening the list and the rest in the background, but Kodi21 the full set before displaying the list?

BTW: All other lists (Series, Musicvideos, Music) show the "normal" behaviour.
This is an announcement forum, as such xbmc-21.0rc2-Omega.zip is available, (changes etc https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/releases/tag/21.0rc2-Omega)

@wwessel excuse me for suggesting windows. A debug log with LibreELEC support should help what might be some database corruption.
OK, problem & resolution found:

The index "ix_videoversion" on the new table "videoversion" had cardinality = 0. After analyzing the table all is working fine.

I guess something went wrong in migrating the database...

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