v21 Kodi v21 "Omega" RC2 Released
Kodi v21 Release Candidate 2 is now available.

Changelog can be reviewed here... https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/releases/tag/21.0rc2-Omega

Article still to come...

Any bug reports, please post in the appropriate forum and not in this thread.
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On a roll...!
Thanks to all contributors for progressing another iteration of our fav e-centre!
Why are there still so few skins for these recent Omega 21 releases?
My Theater: JVC X790R + Peerless PRG-UNV | 120" CineWhite UHD-B Screen | KODI Omega + PreShow Experience | mpv | madVR RTX 2070S | Panasonic UB420 | Denon X3600H @ 5.2.4 | 4 x ADX Maximus w/ Dayton Audio SA230 | 3 x Totem Tribe LCR + Mission M30 Surrounds + SVS PC2000 + Monolith 15 | 40" HDTV w/ MeLE N5105 + MoviePosterApp | 40TB Win10 SMB Server over Gigabit Ethernet
(2024-03-22, 05:05)MidnightWatcher Wrote: Why are there still so few skins for these recent Omega 21 releases?
I don't know. You would have to ask the skinners.
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(2024-03-22, 05:05)MidnightWatcher Wrote: Why are there still so few skins for these recent Omega 21 releases?
Because it takes skinners precious free time to make all the changes needed.
I'm just wondering whether Omega's deliberately corrupt splash screen has led anyone else on a wild goose chase?

When I first saw that, I went searching for misconfigurations in both my video driver settings and Kodi itself.

Eventually, finding none after an hour of scratching my head, I loaded up media\splash.jpg and discovered that it's meant to look like that!  Really?!
(2024-03-24, 00:12)WhatZit Wrote: Eventually, finding none after an hour of scratching my head, I loaded up media\splash.jpg and discovered that it's meant to look like that!  Really?!

That‘s one of the good things with Kodi. If something is not to your taste, you can easily change it. So, why don’t you simply replace the splash screen with an image of your choice? I always adapt these things to my liking.

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