radio channels appear in tv part
Hi, I'm using a Pi4B and have made a m3u file with some radiostations. I followed the instructions and the radiostations appear in the tv part. Copied it to downloads and pointed the
As I do not use the video part of kodi (only use it for audio) I want them in the radio part. The m3u file I got from (Netherlands).
I'm going through a learningcurve here.... Lots of menu's...
And if i go to the TV menu thr system states that one ore more items could not be played. Check the log file. But where is this logfile?
Music streams needs radio="true"  in your m3u.   There is some really bizarre logic with the forum rules that internet radio links can be discussed and even supplied in add-ons but "IPTV" links for the same stream cannot, so don't point to IPTV sites.

How do I get rid of the items in TV?
(2024-03-24, 17:09)warnerk Wrote: How do I get rid of the items in TV?

As @emveepee said, you must add radio="true" to all the M3U entries that are radio stations.
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