Question about Unicode Characters
Hi all. Currently with Estuary Skin characters like this:

are shown as boxes. Is there a way to show them correctly? Do i have to use a Unicode-Font and add it or am i doing something wrong with my strings?

Thanks for any help on it!
In general, support for unicode outside the BMP in Kodi is spotty.  Kodi provides a font file for a modified DejaVu Sans font filename arial.ttf that provides good, but not complete, coverage of the BMP but nothing beyond that.  Currently, the default sqlite database can store unicode utf-8 encoding for these codepoints, but the optional MySQL does not so storing in the library can be an issue.

Unfortunately there isn't a fall-back mechanism for skin fonts, so to incorporate something like Noto Emoji (which has a proper license for distribution with Kodi) you have to either specify specific font entries in fonts.xml or mash Noto Emoji into your existing font (not a trivial project with freeware font tools).

scott s.
Thank you for your extensive explanation! For now i just string.replace'ed them with "". But i'll try out the arial.ttf Wink

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