advanced setting for enabling HDR "grey bars" workaround
I realize I am late to this discussion. I have just recently started using HDR content in Kodi and all was well until 21 RC2 installed on my Sony Android TV. This relates to this bug  report and this thread Before I post as a new bug report or issue, I wanted to get some general feedback from the team. Would this is even possible to put back into Kodi by making it an advanced setting that can be enabled by those with the affected hardware? This issue causes the elevated black in the letterbox areas on all HDR content. My Sony TV is my main viewing device and currently the only way to "fix" the issue is to turn off HDR. I do have multiple friends and family that also have Sony TVs that this issue will affect. I anticipate quite a few phone calls/texts when they see this issue.

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advanced setting for enabling HDR "grey bars" workaround0
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