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[split] Kodi v21 "Omega" Stable Release - Issues Discussions
*the latest Omega release this morning was so full of bugs & so badly retrograde & primitive with regards to movie & video thumbnail layouts & constantly crashing when customizing with extremely limited options, I had to source the last stable Nexus & reinstall it to fully appreciate + enjoy my collections ~ I never saw a so called 'stable' release ever perform so badly on my iMac since initially utilizing Kodi ten years ago
All my menu section of moviesets are gone and the menu option also, so I had to go back to nexus and all was fine.
I’ll wait for the next update to fix this.
*smart move, that's exactly what I'll be doing ~ this release is so primitive & bare bones basic I expect another release in a week to bury the memory of this travesty
What… now?

I see words like primitive and retrograde. I’m just curious what the flippy-do-da-day you’re talking about…? 🤔
(2024-04-07, 05:02)atlanticcanadianscot Wrote: *the latest Omega release this morning was so full of bugs & so badly retrograde & primitive with regards to movie & video thumbnail layouts & constantly crashing when customizing with extremely limited options, I had to source the last stable Nexus & reinstall it to fully appreciate + enjoy my collections ~ I never saw a so called 'stable' release ever perform so badly on my iMac since initially utilizing Kodi ten years ago

Not trying to be mean or anything, but if you are going to say stuff like that in a forum thread for a particular release that some of us have been waiting for for long amounts of time, you are kind of killing the nice feeling of something that is supposed to be exciting and full of hype.
(2024-04-07, 09:36)RubyOS Wrote: you are kind of killing the nice feeling of something that is supposed to be exciting and full of hype.
I've been using v21 for about 6 months now. Installed the official release yesterday and works perfectly.
It's annoying that members give absolutely no detail of what problems they are experiencing, rather some vague, ethereal statements that make no sense. "Primitive", "bare bone basic". What does this meanHuh?? Are you seeing spears and rocks on your screen?
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Without debug logs, screenshots, skin used, addons affected, and ways to reproduce there's not a single thing we can do to help.
(2024-04-07, 10:26)Hitcher Wrote: Without debug logs, screenshots, skin used, addons affected, and ways to reproduce there's not a single thing we can do to help.

I can't give you the logs for the issues that I experience upgrading.  To fix I had to delete the KODI folder in roaming folder in order to install nexus back.  I can tell you how to recreate the issues because I tried to upgrade several times and several ways. 

Yes, people have worked hard on Kodi over the years and there have always been issues of some sort.  I have always been able to correct the issues on the new version with little effort.  This version however is flawed, and it is the first time I have had to go back to a previous version.   There appears to be a bug in the system either where it migrates the databases or where it deals with changing/deactivating the skins.  I hope this helps, for now I am staying on 20.5 unit another release comes out on 21.  It was not worth the headache that it caused and having to reset up 20.5 and indexing all the movies again.  I do appreciate the hard work people do to Kodi.

Here is how to create the issues. 

--------Way #1------
On a windows PC (Windows 11) install nexus (20.5) and index at least 50 to 100 titles into movies and TV.  Close Kodi and go back into it.  Now set the skin to any skin other than the 3 that is in version 21.  Close Kodi and reopen again.  Start and stop a video. Close Kodi.

Now upgrade to version 21. Open Kodi and you'll get a message that the skin and other add-ons have been deactivated. After that screen is cleared and the migration starts is where it hangs.  If you go into the task manager, it shows that Kodi is using 0% of the CPU and is not responding.

--------Way #2------

Now if you delete Kodi completely off the computer and install 21 from scratch. Start indexing titles.  Then change the skin to Artic Zephyr.  You end up with a black screen and the line right above the menu area (the line is part of the skin), however the menu never appears, and the system is hung.


Now trying to migrate back from 21 to 20.5. 20.5 cannot read the databases anymore and you have to delete the Kodi folder in Roaming in order to get 20.5 to work again on the computer.  Please note that SQL lite had issues reading the database file for 21 as will.
(2024-04-07, 08:03)atlanticcanadianscot Wrote: *smart move, that's exactly what I'll be doing ~ this release is so primitive & bare bones basic I expect another release in a week to bury the memory of this travesty

I can only presume you were using a skin that hasn't been updated for v21 and was forced back to the default Estuary. It's not our fault that skin dev's haven't updated their skins yet, so your best bet is the ask in the relevent forum section for the skin when or even if it will be updated.
(2024-04-07, 17:09)PatK Wrote:
(2024-04-07, 13:31)ashlar Wrote: special mention to @XODIDOX for bringing movie versions

Many thanks for this release. Omega-flawless upgrade, and this new feature is worth sounding bugles; many users have asked for 'multiple versions' under one roof and here it is.

P.S. Those who are having issues, leave a proper debug log in the various support o/s forums; but in the main, if you are running old add-ons, skins that have yet to be updated or hidden library issues you might well be advise to try a Portable mode (wiki) installation and rebuild your configuration. For those who are waiting for a personal fix, please note this is announcement forum; make your demands in the support forum of your choice.

First, we have posted over in the support forum.  We posted here on the announcement as well to let people know it is NOT a FLAWLESS upgrade from 20.5 and is highly not advised to upgrade from 20.5 because of MAJOR FLAWS in 21.
(2024-04-07, 17:19)zacgates99 Wrote: First, we have posted over in the support forum.  We posted here on the announcement as well to let people know it is NOT a FLAWLESS upgrade from 20.5 and is highly not advised to upgrade from 20.5 because of MAJOR FLAWS in 21.
Could you please indicate what these major flaws are? Caps not necessary, though. Thanks.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
(2024-04-07, 17:36)ashlar Wrote:
(2024-04-07, 17:19)zacgates99 Wrote: First, we have posted over in the support forum.  We posted here on the announcement as well to let people know it is NOT a FLAWLESS upgrade from 20.5 and is highly not advised to upgrade from 20.5 because of MAJOR FLAWS in 21.
Could you please indicate what these major flaws are? Caps not necessary, though. Thanks.
I already said it in a post on this thread and even how to replicate it.  Please read by previous post on page 1 of this thread and you will have details and can test it for yourself by following the steps I listed in the post.
(2024-04-07, 17:41)zacgates99 Wrote:
(2024-04-07, 17:36)ashlar Wrote:
(2024-04-07, 17:19)zacgates99 Wrote: First, we have posted over in the support forum.  We posted here on the announcement as well to let people know it is NOT a FLAWLESS upgrade from 20.5 and is highly not advised to upgrade from 20.5 because of MAJOR FLAWS in 21.
Could you please indicate what these major flaws are? Caps not necessary, though. Thanks.
I already said it in a post on this thread and even how to replicate it.  Please read by previous post on page 1 of this thread and you will have details and can test it for yourself by following the steps I listed in the post.

I actually did something reasonably similar the other day, except in my case the skin was Amber and I'm just using a local database for this machine.
As expected, I got the skin incompatible issue and warning, but in my case everything was functional aside from that (and the other addons which were also incompatible).
All I needed to do was reinstall Nexus onto the machine again, and everything worked fine again.

It sounds like somehow your install screwed up during the database migration, and in doing so messed up both the new database version and the old (Nexus) one, which is very strange as the old one should just be read and not written to at all (the migration is just to convert it to the newer one that Omega uses).
Deliberately the old versions of the database are never removed during install, in case you need to roll back. And all the major versions use a different version number, so in theory anything that you do in the new version shouldn't touch the old one at all.
That's exactly how it did for my downgrade noted above - it just picked up the Nexus version of the databases again and used them, and i manually went in and deleted the Omega versions for now.

If you need reference for which database version is for which major Kodi version, it's in the wiki - Databases (wiki).

Of course if you've uninstalled fully then everything will be removed and you're back to fresh.
Database migrations going wrong is not unknown (especially with MySQL thrown in the mix), which is another reason why we don't touch the old versions of the database as a fallback.
But usually all you need to do is go in, remove the new (possibly corrupted) version of the databases and try the update again.
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@atlanticcanadianscot think you had best articulate your issues with a proper debug log in a windows o/s post. Thousands have updated without issue.

@Colabacardi without a more detail & debug log associated in a windows support forum, we don't have a clue. Untag show video versions as folder.

@zacgates99 A debug log is/contains critical information; I promote Portable mode (wiki) for experimentation without harming the existing set-up.  As noted in this thread as a direct response; few skins have made the grade.
Let me say I am aware of the databases and how they work. Please understand that I have been in the IT field for 36 plus years.

When I tried to update I tried not just on one but 4 units in my home. All 4 units did the exact same thing. And when I tried to do it version 21 from scratch on one unit, it failed and had issues.

And yes when downgrading on all 4 units the databases were all un usable. I had to delete the Kodi folder and install 20.5 from scratch to get back up running. There is a major flaw with the release.

Each machine downloaded the upgrade independently. Yet the same issues showed up on all 4 units.

Both from upgrading and from installing from scratch did work because of flaws.
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