Release Transparency! for Nexus & Omega
Thank you so much for this wonderful surprise! 
Yesterday, I randomly checked for new skins for Kodi and was delighted to see that the Transparency skin is available again.

Unfortunately, I can't hide the weather icon on the main page. Is this still a bug?

Additionally, is it possible to create more than three favorite buttons?

Thanks again for the great work! I had been considering alternatives like Plex, but now that the Transparency skin is back, I'm happy again.
(2024-06-16, 11:30)Yasko Wrote: Hi,
Thank you so much for this wonderful surprise! 
Yesterday, I randomly checked for new skins for Kodi and was delighted to see that the Transparency skin is available again.

Unfortunately, I can't hide the weather icon on the main page. Is this still a bug?

Additionally, is it possible to create more than three favorite buttons?

Thanks again for the great work! I had been considering alternatives like Plex, but now that the Transparency skin is back, I'm happy again.

The setting to hide the icon on the home page works for me. Are you sure you are using icons and not the info one?


Can you be more specific on the favorite buttons, like what and where?
Preferably with screenshots.
(2024-06-16, 11:30)Yasko Wrote: Unfortunately, I can't hide the weather icon on the main page. Is this still a bug?
As @mikeSiLVO noted - there are two weather icon controls.  Check you used the right one to remove the item you want gone:-



(2024-06-16, 11:30)Yasko Wrote: Additionally, is it possible to create more than three favorite buttons?
(2024-06-19, 18:07)mikeSiLVO Wrote: Can you be more specific on the favorite buttons, like what and where?
Preferably with screenshots.

@Yasko Do you mean Custom items on the main menu, perhaps ?


To my first question: 
I meant the home weather icon in the Icon menu item. Thank you, now it is no longer visible. 

To the second question: 
Here I have expressed myself incomprehensibly. I would welcome it if more custom buttons were possible. I find Custom 1-3 very few.

But now I have a third problem: 

The Transparency skin does not load when I reboot my Shield. The previously used skin "Arctic Zephyr reloaded" is always started. If I switch to another skin, such as Amber or Aeon Tajo, these are loaded after a reboot, but not the Transparency. What could be the problem?


I was able to solve the problem of the skin not loading by deleting the skin and then the cache. I then reinstalled the skin and now it loads after a reboot.
Hopefully this is a simple question to answer.
The image below is the default poster art in Transparency. I have tried to find it within the skin, and even anywhere in Kodi, but I haven't been able to see where it is located.
I have search for jpg and png files and can't seem to see it anywhere.

does anyone know where it is stored and whether I could change it?

I am on Kodi 21.

thanks for your help

snapshot of the poster art just before it updates to the actual poster I have set.
(2024-08-02, 23:43)Gazza too Wrote: does anyone know where it is stored and whether I could change it?
Its DefaultFolder.png located here...
If you download and install the TransperancySS version of the same skin, the xbt is already extracted.
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(2024-06-23, 11:35)Yasko Wrote: Here I have expressed myself incomprehensibly. I would welcome it if more custom buttons were possible. I find Custom 1-3 very few.
If you install the TransparencySS version of this skin, which is still a WIP, you can have as many menu items as you like.
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(2024-08-03, 00:00)Karellen Wrote: Its DefaultFolder.png located here...
If you download and install the TransperancySS version of the same skin, the xbt is already extracted.
Hi Karellen

This is awesome. no wonder I couldn't find it Smile
I didn't use the SS version in the end. I just used the texture tool and changed the png to the one I wanted.
you're a legend

it does raise a follow up question though.
when I tried to use a transparent poster for the movie folder, it kept defaulting to the "defaultfolder" icon.
but the "defaultfolder" icon is a transparent png and works just fine.
is there a simple explanation for why one can be transparent and the other can't?

if not, no worries as this works perfectly

thanks again
(2024-08-04, 05:14)Gazza too Wrote: when I tried to use a transparent poster for the movie folder, it kept defaulting to the "defaultfolder" icon.
You mean the poster.jpg that is displayed in the library for that particular movie? Kodi should accept both jpg and png images. Can you post your image here and I'll give it a try here when I have a moment.

Just be aware, that the new SS version will soon be PR'd into the repo. This will overwrite your existing install of Transparency! and most likely break it. Reason being is that menu items are now built a different way, so if you have any menu items you added, you will need to redo them.
@mikeSiLVO has put in a ton of work to modernise the code and bring new features into it, like Video Versions and skin shortcuts.
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(2024-08-04, 05:25)Karellen Wrote: You mean the poster.jpg that is displayed in the library for that particular movie? Kodi should accept both jpg and png images. Can you post your image here and I'll give it a try here when I have a moment.
Yes, but not to worry. it's working great now.
it did accept the png file for a short while, and then gave me the defaultfolder instead.
the poster I was using is simply a blank transparent background 1000*1500.
ie it is invisible when I use it.
I'm on google TV
(2024-08-04, 05:25)Karellen Wrote: Just be aware, that the new SS version will soon be PR'd into the repo. This will overwrite your existing install of Transparency! and most likely break it. Reason being is that menu items are now built a different way, so if you have any menu items you added, you will need to redo them.
@mikeSiLVO has put in a ton of work to modernise the code and bring new features into it, like Video Versions and skin shortcuts.
OK, thanks for the heads up. well done to everyone putting so much effort in

I have a backup of all my changes so it shouldn't be too bad to get it going again if it happens to break.
I don't have any added menu items. my changes are minor player button default and fanart view mods.

thanks again
Hi @mikeSiLVO

This makes me so incredible happy, and I just wan't to share my great appreciation for you to picking (my best Kodi skin Smile for about 12-14 years? ) up. I'm so grateful!
I just upgraded from 19.5 (CoreELEC, N2+, to fresh 21.0 install), and had almost given up hope, for my favorite skin, which has kept me back upgrading to the new versions.

A quick feedback from upgrading, this week. I don't know if this is a Kodi thing or a skin thing, but I experience some "refreshing" issues.
(I use Kodi with mySQL DB, for the past 12 years now, new DB scanned 2 years ago though, local information, NFO etc via Ember Meddia Manager, always worked before)
When I've scanned the library, picking up a new title, the title shows up fine on the front page on top (recently added), but cover/poster is not, only previous cover/poster. Jumping around, back and fourth does not help. I need to restart Kodi, then it refreshes, and have the new cover/poster of the new Movie/TV-Show showing.

Same thing when using the YouTube plugin, I also need to make a manual "refresh" (often), to make it "as seen" or have new to show up and have to refresh the list/playlist/watched later.

Again, thanks a bunch, for bringing Transparency! into the next Kodi chapter  Nerd
CoreELEC 21.0
LG OLED CX 65 - Denon X4800H. Dali Opticon 6.
(2024-08-17, 23:39)morfeus Wrote: A quick feedback from upgrading, this week. I don't know if this is a Kodi thing or a skin thing, but I experience some "refreshing" issues.
(I use Kodi with mySQL DB, for the past 12 years now, new DB scanned 2 years ago though, local information, NFO etc via Ember Meddia Manager, always worked before)
When I've scanned the library, picking up a new title, the title shows up fine on the front page on top (recently added), but cover/poster is not, only previous cover/poster. Jumping around, back and fourth does not help. I need to restart Kodi, then it refreshes, and have the new cover/poster of the new Movie/TV-Show showing.

Same thing when using the YouTube plugin, I also need to make a manual "refresh" (often), to make it "as seen" or have new to show up and have to refresh the list/playlist/watched later.
Issue 1:  That's not a behaviour I've seen before.  We probably won't be able to diagnose anything usefully without a proper debug log that shows exactly which variant and build of Transparency you are using, then the operations of scanning the library, picking up a new title, then seeing what happens when you look at the Home Screen TV-Show or Movie page with the Recently Added widget present.  That should tell us what items the system is picking to populate the widget, and how it displays them, and any errors it encounters along the way.  Then we might have an idea of *why* it shows as it does, and @mikeSiLVO can implement a fix if it turns out to be a systemic, rather than weird local issue .

Issue 2: That's not a Transparency issue - it's a problem endemic to the Youtube plugin, unfortunately.  Sadly the maintainers of the plugin are facing an uphill battle, fighting against the way Youtube has decided to implement it's API and the responses it generates.  The plugin has to, effectively, build it's own local database of your playlists/subscriptions/watch-status out of whatever mish-mash of scraps of info Youtube shoves at it on each list-view attempt. The API returns can be very flaky and inconsistent. Frankly it's amazing that the plugin still works *at all*, considering the way Youtube seems to be going out of their way to actively make life difficult for anything that's not an "official" client.  It's one of the functions under constant revision and the maintainers are consistently plugging away at, going by the conversations & commits added to to the plugin's GitHub.

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