KODI 21 crashes after Launch
Hello! I've been using Kodi with Arch Linux for a long time and without any problems.
For the past two days I've had the problem that Kodi crashes within two or three seconds of starting.
I use the "Extreme" addon and found this error in the crash log:

"2024-05-03 10:41:20.442 T:54612 error <general>: Repository add-on repository.Extrem does not have any directory matching 21.0.0 and won't be able to update/serve addons! Please fix the addon.xml definition
could it be because Kodi just crashes?

Here is the complete crash log:

Problem with Python 3.12, I don't think Kodi can do anything here: https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/116510
Thank you. I just removed it and installed it via Flatpak - no problems so far.

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