Req Frame generation to 60fps
I believe it's finally time to implement optional frame generation to a target frame rate (the best 60fps).

Today it's relatively easy to implement this feature for every played video (like SVPlayer).

Would be solved so a lot of problems with compatibility almost everywhere.

Thank you for consideration ☀️
Utilizing your workbench or o/s at 60 cycles and Kodi software will launch at that rate/res. The player will take whatever fps and res it's encoded with, given the display parms, up-scaling would be an undo effort on most equipment in real time unless it's handled by hardware. (lSVPlayer) can be implemented via External players (wiki)
Non convenient, external players work awkwardly with Kodi.

So no, it's time to implement that, quite easy today.... The only missing important feature now
When SVPlayer can do it, Kodi surely can too
(2024-05-07, 21:37)Alardo Wrote: Non convenient, external players work awkwardly with Kodi.

So no, it's time to implement that, quite easy today.... The only missing important feature now
A friendly suggestion: when asking for a new feature never assume it's "easy". Developers are working for free and they're the only judges about what's easy or not.

If you think something is easy, at the very minimum, explain in detail why you think that's the case.

I'm not interested in this, as most modern TVs have pretty much the same functionality built in. But that doesn't detract from your request, I know SVP has lots of fans.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
(2024-05-07, 21:37)Alardo Wrote: quite easy today.... The only missing important feature now
We welcome any and all efforts; I wait with baited breath for your code addition.
Sorry but to be always careful what doesn't offend snowflakes is ridiculous. 
So you just need to grow up not to take everything personally, it's also an arrogance of requiring some kind of respect in this way (some computers with AI without personality are today even more capable). These people who are so vulnerable to some words is simply funny.

No one is perfect so just learn to absorb a piece information, not the offence like non adults do all the time. Will you manage it here or your arrogance will win? It's a test of your maturity, will you manage?

So easy to implement 60fps can help to everyone even the Kodi team in future because:

1) you don't need to resolve many times problematic frame rate change of devices (tv, messy and wrong update of Chromecast (horrible now with some plugins) 
2) algorithms are always improved unlike TVs algorithms with bugs
This comment is worthless, but thank you for your response at least.

Are you offended by the world "easy", are you a snowflake?
Grow up and don't take everything so personal. No one is perfect so just take the information, be better than today, learn to accept different people who have good intentions but just don't know the "miracle" words what offend you! 

Really disappointed, this indicates big arrogance of Kodi members. Hope it's just an exception. 

I'm a programmer too but in a different area but I'm able to say what's relatively easy and what's not. But I'm not a snowflake Smile
I expect ban now acc to my observations here 🤭
(2024-05-10, 09:38)Alardo Wrote: I'm a programmer too
No problem, Kodi is open source and your contributions are welcome. This is the feature request area, and should there be enough interest capable people will enjoin. Don't take this personally you have been shown a valid work-round should/until your request is addressed. Nothing in the previous messages would warrant the vitriol you have left, keep your request civil.
(2024-05-10, 09:38)Alardo Wrote: ...
I'm a programmer too but in a different area but I'm able to say what's relatively easy and what's not. But I'm not a snowflake Smile
Please provide a code sample from the mentioned player, that kodi-devs can eventually use for "easy" implementation. If they want to ...
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(2024-05-10, 09:38)Alardo Wrote: Really disappointed, this indicates big arrogance of Kodi members. Hope it's just an exception. 

The issue is that unless you know the Kodi codebase it is impossible for you to know if it's easy or not.

Personally I have no idea which area's on in code doing this particular feature would need to touch. Bear in mind that Kodi originated over 20 years ago, and in the early days it was a case of just getting things working anyway the develops could, so things weren't necessary coded in structured way, with some things implementated in a very convoluted was and the code got to be a tangled mess. However in the last 10 years a lot of effort has been made to untangle the mess and get the code base better structured and using modern coding principles. However it's still the case where someting initially thought to be simple can still have a greater impact than expected becuase it touches on something that hasn't been fully untangled.

You're free to make any observations including negatives ones, and as long as you're respectful in how you express yourself there would be no reason for any ban.
(2024-05-10, 09:32)Alardo Wrote: Sorry but to be always careful what doesn't offend snowflakes is ridiculous. 
So you just need to grow up not to take everything personally, it's also an arrogance of requiring some kind of respect in this way (some computers with AI without personality are today even more capable). These people who are so vulnerable to some words is simply funny.

Impressive wordsmithing here.  I'm sure one of the devs will totally jump up to start working on that after reading that.

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