Linux Ubuntu 24.04 broke my snap Kodi install
Hi All,

Before we start: Yes, I know. I shouldn't have used snap instead of apt. It happened this one time, I wouldn't do it again. I promise.

Now we have that out of the way, my question: How do I update my snap package from Kodi 20 to Kodi 21?

For those that want to know more, here's the long version:
  • Life is good: Kodi 20 (nexus) works well on ubuntu 23.
  • I upgrade to ubuntu 24.04, as one does when a new LTS drops.
  • To my horror Kodi 20 doesn't work and fails on startup, A few clicks later on github I learn it is something with Python 3.12 
  • Luckily, Kodi 21 is released and that update would solve the issue.
  • That's where things really go south: Snap says: No update availabe.. and I can't find a way to pull the latest kodi without destroying what I've built. no upgrade guide for snap users.

Another option I'm willing to go to is to migrate to a different install (docker, apt, you name it) but I have to take along all the settings and the library. I've got a pretty nice config going and I don't want to have to start over from scratch.

Thanks for the help and advice. Feel free to make fun of me for using snap to install software. I was young and didn't know better...
I mean, you'll loose nothing if you try the Flatpak. Just install it and copy the Kodi user data from the Snap to ~/.var/app/tv.kodi.Kodi/data/. Depending on where you have located your media you might have to whitelist those locations for Flatpak but that's not a big deal.
Thanks for the reply! Will try that. 

But still a bit curious why the snap package is no longer updated/supported
For posterity, there's no such thing as a .var/app/tv.kodi.Kodi/data/ with a snap install. I lucked upon a Home/.kodi/userdata
While both snap and flatpak are intended to make distribution agnostic installation easier, snap is still viewed as Ubuntu only vs flatpak's platform neutral installation.
I'm sure Team Kodi needed to pick one format that could be installed on the largest variety of Linux platforms, and snap wasn't it. I don't think they have the resources to maintain multiple Linux installation packages.
Didn't the Deb maintainer step down because he didn't have time to maintain it anymore?

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