TV Show won't scrape. V21.
Ok, that was worth a try. 
To solve your problem you should follow the instructions from @Karellen.
Thanks for all those trying to help. I just resolved to scrape the AEW folder with local information only to get it into the library and then carry on from there. Very odd behavior that has only occurred in this version of Kodi. Hopefully what ever gremlin it is gets sorted out in future releases.
Finding more issues with TV Show scrapers. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Faraway Down won't scrape properly. Both have worked properly in prior versions of Kodi. Both scrape properly into Jellyfin. Both have full NFO files created. Both located on the same hard drive and SMB share with other TV shows that scrape just fine.

Removing the NFO and resraping with either TVDB or TMDB scrapers fully from the internet either produces the TV show name scraped with no episodes or the show scraped with zero information at all.

When itinually scraped with full NFO both had completely unknown TV shows added into different seasons with TV show information and artwork created and then exported to those season folders. All naming conventions are correct, all episode named correctly, none of those other random TV shows (all foreign Asian) are in my library in any capacity. Something appears to be very flawed in these new versions of TV show scrapers or I am missing something that should be very obvious.

I've done many tests with different scraper combinations and new fresh DB files and other than scraping from a brand new DB with local information only the results are always the same. Either scrape the shows with zero episodes with TMDB or scrape the show without episodes maybe but also scrape all sorts of junk that makes no sense with TVDB. Something is wrong with these scrapers. Neither can be updated and I have removed both from my Kodi addons and re-downloaded them from the official repo and both still have the same issues.
Tested using dummy files and it scraped perfectly.

/Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (2015)/Season 01/S01E01.mkv

Post your NFO's please.
(2024-05-22, 09:36)Hitcher Wrote: Tested using dummy files and it scraped perfectly.

/Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (2015)/Season 01/S01E01.mkv

Post your NFO's please.

My NFOs are fine. Created by Kodi in the first place. They scraped fine previously. They scrape fine in Jellyfin. They scrape fine using local information only. Both TVDB and TMDB scrapers are the issue. Scraping both shows while ignoring local information produces the same results. It may work for you on this show but quite possibly is messed up for some other random show. Tested multiple times. Just re-scraping my entire library (again) with only local information, no scrapers, and will go from there.
Need debug logs then.
Debug logs already showed nothing. As noted prior in this thread. Both scrapers have issues scraping media that was recognized by prior Kodi versions and currently by other media managers. I re-scraped my entire library with local information and will move forward from there. Hopefully adding new TV shows won't encounter this same issue with these scrapers.
TVDB scraper just completely borked now. Trying to scrape the new South Park special and it's been running for 5 minutes just constantly throwing errors.

HTTPError: 504 for url:

I don't have time to look into this further at the moment.
(2024-05-24, 18:07)K0D1User1138 Wrote: HTTPError: 504 for url:
Yea it was down for a few hours. Seems to be working again now.
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(2024-05-24, 21:36)Karellen Wrote:
(2024-05-24, 18:07)K0D1User1138 Wrote: HTTPError: 504 for url:
Yea it was down for a few hours. Seems to be working again now.

OK so it wasn't just me then. That is good news.

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TV Show won't scrape. V21.0
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