Scraping does not work
(2024-05-24, 18:39)yiannispap Wrote: I beleive I did it right this time!
Yes, you did, thanks.
Unfortunately I cannot see any problem in the log. According to the log it all works fine. So I have trouble resolving the disconnect with what I see and what you experience.
I can only put it down to some Android glitch as it all works well on your Windows install.
I am not really sure what else to do here. Sorry.
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Can you try one last thing.

Please create an advancedsettings.xml file and add the following code...
The file is saved in the Userdata folder...
Try scraping again. The scraping will take a bit longer than normal, but it will be interesting to see if everything is found.

<advancedsettings version="1.0">
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I have just tried your proposal but no luck!!! Only time was reduced from one hour to 30 minutes, in both phases!!!

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