add the actors thumbs of the episodes from the local .actors folder when scraping
when scraping episodes the local .actors folder is ignored, the images are downloaded from
Would it be possible to cache local actors, as is the case for movies.
This will reduce API calls for and be consistent with the movie scrapper.
Some information from this thread adding videos from nfo' may be useful.
I guess this is because they're different lists of actors. ie not all actors in the show appear in every episode and each episode can have differing actors.
I am aware that there are more actors for the episodes than for the tvshow. The actors for the episodes are already in the ".actors" folder located in the "Seasons" folder. Why not use them?
If I scrape the episodes from the nfo without network they would be cached.
If I scrape with the network it will be cached only when opening dialovideo info after scrolling the complete section of the actors to trigger the download of the actors' thumbs on
Where did the actors images in the .actors folder come from? Scraper? Media Manager? You?
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They all come from the scraper TMDb TV Show scraper or local scraper or kodi when exporting.
(2024-05-19, 13:36)roby69 Wrote: TMDb TV Show scraper or local scraper or kodi when exporting
Sorry, that doesn't make sense. Let me ask the question again...
The images in your .actors folder, where did they come from? What steps did you take to have images saved in the .actors folder?
I don't care about Kodi and what it shows, I am only asking about the images in the folder. They cannot come from a local scraper, nor can they come from TMDB TV Show scraper.
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Here are my procedures for putting images in .actors folders:
  kodi log:local scrape
        1) deleting all .actor folders and artworks

    2) deleting Thumbnails folder from \portable_data\userdata
        deleting  MyVideos131.db and Textures13.db files from \portable_data\userdata\Database
        deleting cache folder from \portable_data
    3) start kodi
    4) add source tvshow
    5)  when scrape is finished open dialovideoinfo tvshow and episode, and scroll through the full cast section.
    6) export the database
=> tvshow, seasons, actors folders after export:


2 ) FROM TMDb TV Show scraper:
    kodi log: scrape TMDb TV Show scraper
        1) deleting all .actors folders ,artworks and nfo's
       2) deleting Thumbnails folder from \portable_data\userdata
           deleting  MyVideos131.db and Textures13.db files from \portable_data\userdata\Database
           deleting cache folder from \portable_data
       3) start kodi
       4) add source tvshow
    5)  when scrape is finished open dialovideoinfo tvshow and episode, and scroll through the full cast section.
    6) export the database
=> tvshow, seasons, actors folders after export:


Kodi saves the images in the .actors folders.
I hope I answered your questions. It is difficult to understand this when we do not speak the same language.

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