Update library vs. manual scrapping

I have a problem I am not trying to investigate.

When I add movies to my media folder (I am using Windows, all my movies are separated in subfolder) and run kodi with update library at start up option, the movies get brought into the library but without info and without any artwork

When I click the i button of the added movie then I rescan then it appears with the info and all the artwork.

I uploaded debug logs for both cases

here is the debug log with update library at start up option

I turned on kodi then the update library option was on, the library is scanned (I removed all other movie re-scrapping because it made a huge log file) then the movie appeared in the movies section in Kodi but no info when I click the info button and no artwork at all. I disabled update library on start up option. I shut down kodi.


and here is debug log when doing manual re-scrapping of the movie

I run kodi. I go to the movie that is now appearing in the movies section without any info or artwork. I click the i button the I rescan. It asks me if I want to bring info from the internet, I say yes.

both logs seems really similar so any help to investigate this problem is appreciated

guys, any help is appreciated
(2024-05-20, 12:13)nordicguy Wrote: I turned on kodi then the update library option was on, the library is scanned (I removed all other movie re-scrapping because it made a huge log file) then the movie appeared in the movies section in Kodi but no info when I click the info button and no artwork at all.
VideoInfoScanner: Found matching full NFO file: E:\The_Last_Stop_In_Yuma_County_(2023)\The_Last_Stop_In_Yuma_County_(2023).nfo
What is in the nfo file?
Can you post its contents to Kodi Paste Site and provide the link.
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Hi Karellen thanks for your reply

I got the info file while using the update library here it is


and i got it again after using manual update here it is


the thing is this behavior magically stopped after I reported it here so it's been happening consistently since I updated to kodi v21 and I ignored it cause I thought API for scrapper is broken or whatever and it will be fixed, but when it took too long without any improvement I decided to ask for help.

today, I added 3 new movies (well old 90s movies from DVDs but new to kodi library) and I couldn't replicate the issue, every movie was scanned and scrapped nicely and all the info and artwork is there.

I don't recall changing anything and I am using the same scrapper as before (for the fact that I was really sick and haven't touched kodi since I made that last post).

so I think if you are not able to find what was wrong, I'll leave it as is and just think maybe it got "scared" that I reported it  Laugh  but if you find the problem, please let me know what was i doing wrong

I swear these things only happens to me  Sad

(2024-05-20, 12:13)nordicguy Wrote: When I add movies to my media folder (I am using Windows, all my movies are separated in subfolder) and run kodi with update library at start up option, the movies get brought into the library but without info and without any artwork
Your reported problem ^

(2024-05-23, 17:12)nordicguy Wrote: I got the info file while using the update library here it is
The nfo file contains no artwork links and very little metadata about the show. Essentially it has only the title.

(2024-05-23, 17:12)nordicguy Wrote: and i got it again after using manual update here it is
And I am not quite sure where this second nfo file came from, with a little bit more data but no artwork links.

You should delete your nfo files.
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hi Karellen,

thanks for reply, really appreciate it

yes, you are right. I reported the problem. could you please tell me what you mean by this comment?

the first .nfo file is the one generated after the "update library on startup" has finished. this is when I get no info and no artwork in kodi.

the second .nfo file with more info is when I manually go to the movie info page and i click refresh. this gives me all the movie info and also artwork although I don't know why no artwork links appears in the info file. but all artwork were downloaded to the movie folder after this manual refresh.

Well I shouldn't say second .nfo file, it's essentially the same file, but got updated with more info after the manual refresh.

I already tried deleting the .nfo file previously when I had this issue. so, when i deleted the .nfo file and restart kodi then again I try both methods, the "update library on startup" and manual refresh the movie. I get same behavior as explained in my main post.

but that was before today, cause as I noticed, today, all movies added do not have any issue.

what do you suggest I would do? I am not sure if i should consider this issue closed or should the post be delete / ignored / archived since I cannot replicated the issue?

I hope I am explaining this is understandable way. English is not my first language. so, sorry if my post is confusing, but when things start to work on their own it makes me want to investigate same when things do not work.

(2024-05-23, 23:55)nordicguy Wrote: the first .nfo file is the one generated after the "update library on startup" has finished. this is when I get no info and no artwork in kodi.
Running an Update Library or a Refresh does not create nfo files.
There must be some other software on your computer that is creating them.
Whatever it is, then you need to disable it.

The only way for Kodi to create nfo files is running the Export to Separate Files. Is this what you are doing?
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Also, looking at your log again, you will need to clean out your advancedsettings.xml file.

The following needs to be removed as it no longer works.
See... https://kodi.wiki/view/Settings/Services/Caching

All the <...extraart> tags need to be removed as they no longer work.
Artwork is now controlled in the artwork sections of the settings pages. videos as example... https://kodi.wiki/view/Settings/Media/Videos#Artwork
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(2024-05-24, 00:52)Karellen Wrote: The only way for Kodi to create nfo files is running the Export to Separate Files. Is this what you are doing?

Hi Karellen,

Thanks for the information. I do not use any 3rd party software to generate the .nfo files. They always come automatically. maybe I have an addon that generates the .nfo file after movie is added and scrapped. not sure which one. could be something came with the skin or some addon installed. I haven't used the option for "export library to separate files" for a very long time because of that reason. All .nfo files and artwork gets generated/downloaded automatically after movies are added.

good idea to clean the advancedsettings.xml, I'll do that


(2024-05-24, 09:24)nordicguy Wrote: could be something came with the skin or some addon installed
Definitely not the skin and I'm not even aware of an addon that creates NFO's either. Could it be your download software?
Maybe the Metadata Editor addon if you have that installed?

That is the only addon I know of that creates nfo files.
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Bingo Laugh you got it right. I have that metadata editor and I use it a lot
(2024-05-24, 10:17)nordicguy Wrote: Bingo Laugh you got it right. I have that metadata editor and I use it a lot
Great!! In the settings pages for the Metadata Addon, you can disable the creation of nfo files.
Probably better to ensure you scrape your media correctly first, then run the native Export to Separate Files in Kodi.
The Metadata has not been updated since v19, so it may be playing up with all the database changes in v20 and v21.
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thanks, that was super helpful.

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