PVR: Group with all movies with a top rating
I use kodi for watching TV with a PVR plugin. 
Is it possible to create a channel group with all movies that have a top rating at IMDB or OMDB?
If I wanted to program that, what would I have to do?
Well there is this https://forum.kodi.tv/printthread.php?tid=197922

But I suspect you want a top 250 streaming into your PVR plugin... and as such, that would likely be in violation of our Official:Forum rules (wiki) rule 2.5
(2024-05-25, 20:35)PatK Wrote: Well there is this https://forum.kodi.tv/printthread.php?tid=197922

But I suspect you want a top 250 streaming into your PVR plugin... and as such, that would likely be in violation of our Official:Forum rules (wiki) rule 2.5

Thank you, this thread is interesting.
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