Req Help Needed: Modifying TV Show Title Format in .XML Files
Hi everyone,
I need some help with modifying the .XML file to change the format of TV show titles.

The current format is S1:E1 - DD.MM.YY | "TV Show Title" 1x01 "Episode Title", and I would like to change it to DD.MM.YY | 1x01 "Episode Title".
Could you please guide me on which .XML file to modify to achieve this change and what section in the file to replace/modify?

Looking forward to your feedback. Thank you!
I should add that this is actually for Trakt/.../My Show - and - My Progress widgets in main hub.
I am a new member here, but I just ask you to please let me know if can I discuss this on an old post. I would be very happy if you could let me know, thanks admin

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Help Needed: Modifying TV Show Title Format in .XML Files0
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