IMDB as a TV show scrapper?
Hi everyone.
I don't have any problems choosing different addons to scrap movie libraries with IMDB or other sources, but when it comes to TV shows, I can only choose TMDB. Is there an addon on the repository or anything that I'm not finding?

The reason why I'm asking, if you're curious:
I have the Looney Tunes Platinum Collection (LTPC) on my TV shows library/folder, but TMDB lists the LTPC as a movie, not as TV, so when Kodi detects the folder, reads the (correctly formatted) title and tries to find it on TMDB as a TV show, it obviously can't.
IMDB lists the show as TV, as it should, so adding IMDB as a scrapper for TV would solve my problem.

And I know, I could move the LTPC to the movies folder and it would work, but... it feels so wrong... I just cannot bring myself to do it.

Thank you.
(2024-07-19, 20:03)delbruck Wrote: I can only choose TMDB. Is there an addon on the repository or anything that I'm not finding?
Yes. There is also TVDB v4 and TV Maze. Both in the repo.
There is no IMDB scraper.
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Also, maybe check this...
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Thanks a LOT!.
And I wouldn't have thought that there was already a Looney Tunes thread Big Grin

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