How to organize one movie on two DVD iso?
I have a movie that is on two DVD iso's. Does KODI offer a way how to organize this?

I remember a similar problem when having multiple episodes of a series in one file. I know this solution. But my current problem is the other way around.
(2024-07-19, 20:31)MoonKid Wrote: I have a movie that is on two DVD iso's
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Thank you for the reply. I forgot to say that I do use local NFO files. The link you provided doesn't talk about them.
If properly name Kodi will scrape and produce the .nfo file (to see the .nfo you will need to export as separate files)

.iso is an old format, why not use something like MakeMKV on them and use MKVmerge to put them to-gether in one file. Supplemental tools (wiki)
(2024-07-19, 20:48)MoonKid Wrote: Thank you for the reply. I forgot to say that I do use local NFO files. The link you provided doesn't talk about them.
IIRC, you just need the one nfo file. Kodi then internally associates both parts to the same nfo file.
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I am sorry it might be that my use case is unusual or I misunderstand something.
If I got you correct you tell me that Kodi does produce nfo files? This is not the case on my system.
I do create the nfo files with an extern program and let Kodi read them (local nfo files).

I need to understand if there is a way to organize one or more nfo files to represent multiple parts of one movie.
(2024-07-21, 17:58)MoonKid Wrote: If I got you correct you tell me that Kodi does produce nfo files? This is not the case on my system.

You have to do an Export to get Kodi producued nfo files, see

(2024-07-21, 17:58)MoonKid Wrote: I do create the nfo files with an extern program and let Kodi read them (local nfo files).

I need to understand if there is a way to organize one or more nfo files to represent multiple parts of one movie.

This has already been answered.

(2024-07-19, 20:44)Karellen Wrote: See...

(2024-07-19, 21:17)Karellen Wrote: IIRC, you just need the one nfo file. Kodi then internally associates both parts to the same nfo file.

So you only need a single nfo file as you would any other movie, the fact the movie is split between multiple files does not matter, as Kodi has a fature called Stacking which combines the files so they can be treated the same as a single file, you were already provided the link about this see . Although there is some issues with this feature currently but this is in the process of being fixed.
Thanks for the answer.
The provided link doesn't help because it doesn't connect the topic of splitted video files with NFO.
Just remembered, file stacking for ISO files is broken.

(2024-07-21, 20:26)MoonKid Wrote: The provided link doesn't help because it doesn't connect the topic of splitted video files with NFO.
What exactly do you want to know??
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