Issues with DTS, Dobly Atmos, AC3... Please help
Good day to everyone

I got myself a present, and offered myself a Q930C Samsung soundbar.
It is really nice...Except i can't hear nothing when i play files with fancy audio format (DTS, DTS HD, Dolby Atmos,..).
This soundbar is supposed to have no issues with them, so i'm surprised (sad would be more appropriate).

I've been online, checked the settings on the Kodi audio page, and believe i got them right.

The HDMI cable i got to connect the intel mini PC to the soundbar seems OK.

Could you please have a look on the log file below and let me know what is wrong and what should i do ?

Thank you very much in advance
Is there something wrong in my post ? Not in the right section ? Not clear enough ?
Please tell me Smile
Have you enable Passthrough in Kodi and enabled all those audio types?
Good afternoon @Hitcher and thank you very much for your answer

I wanted to show you but... it seems i can not include pictures on my reply...

But yes, i went online/YT and followed what was said (Number of channels = 2, and then enabled Passthrough and all the audio types).

I have to disabled them all to be able to watch a movie with the sound.

Did the log help you in anyway ?
I followed what it is explained here
Just guessing but I think it's this:

Pulseaudio module module-allow-passthrough not loaded - opening PT devices might fail
In my case I had to disable pulseaudio. See my post here. Hope this helps.
I use the outstanding Tidal2 KODI Add-On to stream music, along with rips of my CD collection.
Check out my CD library if you want:
Growing CD Collection
Hi guys

Thank you so much for your answer... Now... This is really complicated, but i'll give it a try tomorrow.

Can you tell me at least where do i have to disable pulseaudio ?

Thank you for your help
Where do i write this please ?

systemctl --user disable pulseaudio.service
systemctl --user disable pulseaudio.socket
Here is my configuration :

I have a Intel mini pc. I installed Librelec, and then Kodi on.

And i have no idea where i have to make these changes...

Thak you for your help
It's in the thread I posted above. Let me know if you can't find it.
I use the outstanding Tidal2 KODI Add-On to stream music, along with rips of my CD collection.
Check out my CD library if you want:
Growing CD Collection
Yes but in which file do i have to write this ?
Is it directly in the code ??

Thank you
As it's LibreElec you shouldn't need to do anything with Pulseaudio. Looks to me you might not have the correct device selected in the Audio Settings, as I would think it should be SAM QCQ90S on HDMI #1.
Thanks for your answer @jjd-uk

Thanks for having clearify the LibreElec/Pulseaudio thing.

On my mini PC, the HDMI #1 is connected to my TV.
The HDMI #2 is connected to my soundbar, therefore i select this one on the audio settings.

So i guess this is right, isn't it ?
On LibreElec Pulseaudio is simply there to support audio over bluetooth. I guessed it might be HDMI#1 as that reports more channels being available. Go back to basics, with passthrough disabled, do you get sound on all files? If so enable passthrough again and provide us with a screenshot of your Kodi audio settings.

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Issues with DTS, Dobly Atmos, AC3... Please help0
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