Issues with DTS, Dobly Atmos, AC3... Please help
@jjd-uk : thank you so f**** MUCH !!!

So i switched and put the hdmi cable from the TV on the hdmi plug n°2, and put the one from the soundbar on the plug hdmi n°1 of the mini PC.

On Kodi, i did what you said, select HDMI#1, but it didn't work, no sound whatsoever.
I then select HDMI#1, that has the same description (and i don't even understand what's this HDMI#0 but whatever) and then... it worked !!

And i'm very happy, because i tried before and couldn't know how to post a screenshot Wink

Again, thank you very much for your time @Hitcher, @sneezing_subsystem and @jjd-uk

Good evening to all !
Sorry, it wasn't "I then select HDMI#1", but "I then select HDMI#0"

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Issues with DTS, Dobly Atmos, AC3... Please help0
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