Are you having Audio Sync issues?
Hello Everyone,

I've been having various intermittent audio sync issues with Kodi/CoreELEC for several years now.

Started with a Samsung TV, Yamaha Sound Bar and Odroid N2. N2 --> TV --> Soundbar (via Optical).

Now, Sony TV, Sonos Beam and Ugoos AM6B+. AM6B+ --> TV --> Sonos (via eARC).

Sync issues are intermittent and not reproducible. Can happen on Live TV, Movies, TV Shows and TV Catch Apps, anything.
Can always be fixed by either stopping and starting the Movie, TV etc. or skipping backwards a few seconds.

Nothing shows in the debug logs when the issue happens which can be several times a night or not for a couple of weeks.

In my eyes the only consistent thing is CoreELEC, Kodi and Amlogic.

Just wondering if I'm the only one and would appreciate your thoughts and input. Am I too picky?

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