v21 Add custom notes to movies?
I'm relatively new to KODI, running on a Mac with the default skin, but I believe this is not OS / skin-dependent.

I often save movies in my library because I read something interesting about them - they are a remake of or inspiration to another one, use certain cinematic techniques, won some award, explore a certain topic, etc. Months later, when I browse through my library to find something to watch, I forgot why I saved this or that movie. Is it possible to add custom notes somehow so I can add this kind of info?

I saw a previous thread asking for almost exactly the same: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=323091 but it's seven years old, filed under a specific Supplementary Tool and didn't get useful responses.
There isn't a general "note" field available for direct entry in Kodi.  Closest is the "tag" field which allows you to create an arbitrary string entry in the GUI as a "tag", which can be assigned to one or more library items.  Tags can be filtered for display.

The main alternative is to use the "plot" entry to add this sort of data.  That isn't done inside of Kodi, but best accomplished by exporting the library to separate nfo files, then hand-editing nfo files as needed (they use xml format).  After editing you can do a "refresh" action on specific library items to update the plot.  But there isn't any way to search/grep the plot text for specific strings.  If you do this I think it best to create your own text format within the "plot" so you can recognize your additions when scrolling the plot text.

scott s.

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