Solved Relative paths for favourites thumbs
Hi, how can I use relative paths for the thumb file path in 'favourites.xml' please ?

   <favourite name="Name" thumb="here">ActivateWindow(...)</favourite>
Best elicit what you are trying to achieve, there are work-rounds, but I have found other 3rd party add-ons that can be used. 

A relative path describes the location of a file relative to the current (working) directory.

Kodi favourites.xml uses an absolute path location from the root directory.
Thanks for your answer. I have a Kodi portable installation so I want it to still work if I move it to another folder and it wouldn't with an absolute path. I already use the special://home for the playlist location and I'd like to do the same for the thumb.
In this case just moving the entire portable installation to another location should work out fine, Path as defined "Special:" The "Special Protocol" is Kodi's solution to platform dependent directories. Common directory names are assigned a special://[name] path which is passed around inside Kodi and then translated to the platform specific path before the operating system sees it. Special protocol (wiki) This helps keep most of the platform mess centralized in the code.

 Providing the launch icon is edited to the exact path with the -p flag on the executable.
I had already tried it and it didn't seem to work but I must've missed something last time cause it's working now. 
Anyway, thanks for your help.
Thread marked solved.

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