Kodi causing keyboard issues
I just installed the latest version of Kodi as a replacement for Universal Media Server, which has stopped working once again.

Kodi's working great with my home theater, but I just noticed that in Windows, my keyboard now stutters intermittently causing multiple letters to appear for each keystroke. Exiting Kodi fixes the problem.

I'm running Windows 11 Pro x64 on an AMD Ryzen 9 5950X, 128 GB RAM and an RTX 3080Ti graphics card, 1TB SSD boot volume. The stuttering is making my PC unusable while Kodi is running.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Check out this thread. In general this issue is usually associated with hardware; but can be linked to software priorities. A proper debug log posted to a public paste-bin might have a clue, it looks like your hardware should be sufficient to run Kodi effortlessly. Do check your cabling and connections and ensure your software/hardware drivers are updated (smacks of a gfx card software issue).

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