Split tvshow on some other categories to show in widgets
Hello everyone,
I actually have seven source from kodi gets the videos
1. peliculas (movies)
2. series (tvshow)
3. novelas (tvshow)
4. animes (tvshow)
5. doramas (tvshow)
6. realitys (tvshow)
7. animados (tvshow)

any way to make a smart playlist to show me the content of each directories for add to my widgets.

previously i used jellyfin(server), and in kodi it show me the tags with those name. thanks.
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If the folders for each of those sources have those names (or at least unique names), you can use PATH CONTAINS in a smart playlist.  Here's a screenshot of an example playlist I made that shows my every TV show that has "NextPVR" in the path.Image
GREAT Thanks a lot!!!

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