Solved Kodi scrapingUndefinedSquiggly quac
Kodi Has started scanning Windows folder On my C drive Looking for movies!

The file bootTel.dat it Continually look for, Having added something called windows.

I Have checked my Movie folders, Searched for A copy of this folder mixed him with my folders, To know Avail.

Not sure what to do next, Rather annoying.
Line 779 of your log... VideoInfoScanner: Scanning dir 'C:\' as not in the database

You have set your entire c:\ drive as your Source. This is wrong, wrong, wrong.

The Source is the folder that contains your collection of movies.
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Well I’m aware of that! I didn’t do it (At least not knowingly).
Sorry about the nonsensical title, can't seem to edit at present.
So the question is, how can i unassign C drive from scans, when it doesn't show as a source in any video folders!?
It seems you have multiple drives on which you media is located, how has this been set up within Kodi? do you have one Movie source entry with each drive configured at part of that source? if so perhaps you accidently included the C drive as well. Perhaps you can provide your sources.xml, as that should show where it's been set.
Thanks jjd, that informed reply confirmed my suspicions, that it was a music source, and i don't even use the music library!, no idea how it got there!

In all the years i've used Kodi, i didn't know there was a sources xml!

Anyway source removed, problem solved.
Thread marked solved.

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