Information Movies not showing in MOVIE list
For some time, any new movie added would not show in my movie list. I had to go through files, select MOVIES, select Movie and change from Movie to none back to Movie. Kodi would recognize "new movie: and scan to library. Tried Latts new fix for Movie Sets and Now instead of 3700+ movies, i show 133. Is there a qiuck way to add them all back so Kodi recognizes them? Any help would be appreciated. Otherwise i have a MANY HOUR task in front of me as I manually go through and add them all back.
(2024-09-02, 00:27)RonnieG3 Wrote: For some time, any new movie added would not show in my movie list
Please provide a Debug Log that capture the scraping of the library. I might find the problem in the log.

Also, I don't know if you are actually RonnieG3 or a spammer. This account was posting quite a lot of spam a few weeks ago which is why your account has been put into moderation.
You should consider changing your password.
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No, It's me. I was under a brute force attack that nearly captured my system. When I woke up, I quickly caught on to what was happening, took steps up security, and buttoned up some holes. I lost both my Facebook accounts but retained everything else. I tried a system restore and used Recova to find some deleted movies. I'm running a more intensive scan now - should be done in the morning. I'll try to get a debug log to you tomorrow.
(2024-09-02, 04:08)RonnieG3 Wrote: No, It's me. I was under a brute force attack that nearly captured my system.
Ok. Have you changed your forum password? And your email account password?
I'll remove your account moderation if you have.
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I thought i replied, but I probably deleted it by mistake. Yeah - I buttoned things up pretty good. I only lost Facebook, but that's no real loss as I hardly lose it. My log wouldn't save at the link you provided. I tried a couple of sites, but couldn't get it to save but here's log saved as text file on my G Drive - LOG. It's clean, just text. I've uploaded Log before, but it's the whole log, not just a part. Let me know what you see, as I have no idea what I'm looking for.  Thanks!!!
(2024-09-04, 21:54)RonnieG3 Wrote: on my G Drive - LOG. It's clean
It's locked.
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DOH! Sorry about that. It's now unlocked
(2024-09-05, 03:05)RonnieG3 Wrote: DOH! Sorry about that. It's now unlocked
Ok, I cannot see any scraping problems. Your movies have nfo files, and the dozen or so that I checked all scanned without issue.
If you can give me the names of a few of the movies not in your library, I could check those?
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Also you need to fix your as.xml file...
All those extraart artwork tags don't work, so they can also be removed...
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