Android Caching memory size and other related settings
Hi. I've already done a search about Kodi 21 and the new function of controlling the cache through the services section rather than advanced settings XML. But there isn't much information about this new way of doing things

I'm using kodi on an onn 4K Pro which (according to EZ maintenance) has about 500 MB of memory to spare for Kodi. Based on that I set the memory size in caching to 256 MB. When I did that my files kept crashing. I've since read that this cache setting is actually tripled by Kodi. So 256 MB tripled to 768 MB was obviously far too high. On a device which has about 500 MB of spare memory what should I set this memory setting to be? I'm guessing round about 64 MB would be optimal.

I'm also not sure whether I should change the read factor or the chunk size from the default of 4x and 128 KB.

I play a lot of streams from my Emby server but I play my files from an attached USB and I'm not sure if that needs to be buffered as well or not.

Any advice would be much appreciated
I'm confused that this has had zero replies. I remember the whole thing about advanced settings.xml had hundreds and hundreds of posts and discussions. Now the advanced settings.xml is redundant for memory cache buffering etc, this question is of no interest? Very odd.
(2024-09-03, 22:23)Gmjh Wrote: I've already done a search about Kodi 21 and the new function of controlling the cache through the services section rather than advanced settings XML. But there isn't much information about this new way of doing things
Agreed, the information provided so far has been very minimal for such an important function. From my reading, the (right setting) seems to be a case by case situation, dependant on the hardware. Hopefully someone that truly understands it will post a meaningful how-to somewhere.

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