Most efficient way to build xbmcgui.ListItem from JSON RPC VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetai
Are there any tricks/tips to populate multiple entries in a ListItem with details from the library?

I have a need to use a specific list of library (only) items to populate for a video plugin (I prefer not to use Playlist/node because they do not seem to fill in all of the details, like cast, etc, unless I missed another way to pull this off).

I want as much detail as possible filled in, so that the feel is as close to kodi built in list displays as possible, including resume points, etc.

Do I really need to call VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails for each movie, collect the data and set listitem via VideoInfoTag ?

Is there no other way to get such a specified list of library entries displayed

Just need any kind of pointers, not really needing code.


You still need to create individual listitems and populate the infotag details.

Depending on what you are after there are other ways e.g.
I have a plugin that does exactly what you need: , that is, it populates media lists in a local Kodi from JSONs retrieved from a remote Kodi. But it's not simple at all.
Thank you both for the notes.

The closest I could come was setting up a dynamic xsp like:

xbmc.executebuiltin(f'ActivateWindow(Videos, "videodb://movies/titles/?xsp={encoded_filter}", return)')

and This allows me to specify specific movies to be displayed.

But it does lack some finer details like ability to sort in a specific order, and ability to easily click to get movie information.

So I guess it will be necessary to deal with building listitems, which will allow the kind of control over the displayed list that I desire.

Thank you Roman_V_M , I Like how you have setup:

I will utilize something very similar.
(2024-09-08, 09:56)kcook_shield Wrote: But it does lack some finer details like ability to sort in a specific order, and ability to easily click to get movie information.

It won't be as flexible as going the plugin route but if you dont need the additional functionality it will be much faster.

You should be able to sort the listing as it is essentially the same as a smart playlist, and everything that you can do with those can also be done for this, including sorting afaik.

As it is just listing library information, you should also be able to access the library information in the same way as you would for any other list of library items (via context menu, remote/keyboard press, or default select action if that has been configured, etc.)

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Most efficient way to build xbmcgui.ListItem from JSON RPC VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetai0
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