Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
How to make artwork for unknown files.
We have a bus, where we are using Kodi to play movies. Everything works perfect for all movies, but we have a problem with videos that is not in the imdb.
This includes our security-video, and a few other simple video's.
Of course it is possible to access the files-section, but this is not very easy when the screen for the guide is very small and the bus is moving..
So it would be much easier if we could make a poster, fanart or banner, to make it easier to see!

Is there an easy way to make this possible? Our guides are tired of shoosing the wrong video ;-)
Sure, just use local artwork.

Most likely it is only poster and fanart that you will need.
Posters are 1000x1500 in size
Fanarts are 1920x1080 in size

Once you create them, save them in the folder with the video file. Name them as shown in these images...

You will also need nfo files if you want to scan them into the library. Here are some basic templates to get you started...
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You could try one of the "supplementary tools" forum tools.  I use "Media Companion" that has an option for "home movies" that will create an nfo file for the library details, and also options to take a screen grab from the video and set as the poster or fanart.

scott s.

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