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Beta Arctic Fuse 2
Is it possible to bring back "List Landscape"?

Or maybe just add the option to hide/show the poster on "List Flixart"
I miss this view too, it would be great
After some advice. I have some playlists (basically cinematic universes) but due to limitations of smart playlists, I have recreated them as a new parent library and library xml files which are showing fine but can’t work out the artwork.
Anyone know if there are limitations to the png files for ‘icons’ such as them having to be B&W or a certain size?
Firstly, sorry for my Google Translate English.

I love this new skin, its predecessor (artic fuse) was very customizable but it never convinced me because it seemed very unwieldy and intuitive to me which made me always return to horizon 2.....I am falling in love with this skin It seems to me to be the perfect and most logical evolution for those who are used to Arctic Horizon 2.

I would like to know if it is possible to implement (or if it is already there, how to configure it) some additional widget styles, which are missing especially for music.

In general, in the music widgets I like to show the thumbnail of the album and a fanart in the background, however, most views put the fanart both in the background and on the icon, the only ones that do what I am looking for are the box, circle and sign, but even these three I don't really like.

The square and circle views seem a bit small to me to decently appreciate the album covers and I also can't find a way (if possible) to remove the lower description text which seems unnecessary, repetitive, uncomfortable to read and visually dirty. the global view.



The "mark" view seems interesting to me but in the case of its use with the music library I think that a "square" or "circle" type would be much more accurate instead of a poster type, in addition it should be possible to eliminate the description of the fanart when using this view (personally I find that visually it is very ugly to have the same information twice) without removing it from the "signal" view implying removing it from all the other views, since I believe which is the only way to remove it currently.


I hope I don't bother you with my suggestions, I have a very extensive music library and I give much more importance to making it perfect than to the video library and traditionally it is something that is not given the same attention in skins.


I really love the skin. It is by far the best out there for me.
Is it possible to add the play, trailer and trakt button to the info screen. Instead of having a side menu.


These buttons up here to put them somewhere down here.


Thank you for all your hard work. Love the skin.
(2024-11-11, 01:54)BriceysCousin Wrote: Is it possible to bring back "List Landscape"?

Or maybe just add the option to hide/show the poster on "List Flixart"

@jurialmunkey - not sure if you saw this or not (maybe it was always there and i missed it, ha), but thanks for adding this feature
excuse me, how do i fix this? is it a bug or is there something in the settings that i missed? instead of showing me the exact point where the movie stops, there is an icon with a movie camera.

Check if you have "Extract Chapters Thumbnails" enabled in Settings > Media >Video.

Not sure but a while ago low-power devices had this feature disabled (pi for example), maybe this changed.
(2024-11-16, 00:46)Terre45y Wrote: excuse me, how do i fix this? is it a bug or is there something in the settings that i missed? instead of showing me the exact point where the movie stops, there is an icon with a movie camera.


Check if you have "Extract Chapters Thumbnails" enabled in Settings > Media >Video.
Not sure but a while ago low-power devices had this feature disabled (pi for example), maybe this changed.

Sorry for the double post, still a newbie so Im unable to edit my posts.

Officer KD6-3.7 introduced Auto trailers in Arctic Fuse Mod skin and it looks impressive- Auto trailers in home with custom delay settings (default is 5s). Will not work with random widgets since Kodi will refresh the widget on playback start/stop.
If you put it at least as an option in Arctic Fuse 2, this skin will become fantastic.

(2024-11-16, 10:45)etgecata Wrote: @jurialmunkey

Officer KD6-3.7 introduced Auto trailers in Arctic Fuse Mod skin and it looks impressive- Auto trailers in home with custom delay settings (default is 5s). Will not work with random widgets since Kodi will refresh the widget on playback start/stop.
If you put it at least as an option in Arctic Fuse 2, this skin will become fantastic.


Hi @etgecata !

I’m so glad you’re enjoying AF Mod! I just updated the forum and I'm super excited for the rest of the community to try it out.

Re: Auto home trailers in AF2
Please read my reply on GitHub about why this could be a bad idea.

I hope you can understand where I’m coming from

Thank you for your support!
Arctic Fuse Mod - Now Available!
Yes, it was yet enable..
Loving this skin. Having a weird issue though, I'm not sure if its a setting but i've tried it on a few devices and the behavior is the same (main device is a Shield Pro). During playback, with the OSD closed, seeking left and right is fine, and follows the delay and steps set up in Kodi settings. But if i open the OSD, highlight the seek bar and then scrub left or right, there's a significant slowness and delay.
Would love this as well, if possible!
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