How to Add/Change the background for "Movies"

Hoping for some help as I'm a total noob and got no idea...

So, when i click movies from the homescreen i am taken to my movies. I currently have it setup in Library mode using "Showcase" view.

I am using the newest version of the Aeon skin.

So, i have the little thumbnails for each individual movie and when i hover over one of the movies the info from IMDB pops up.

Also, when hovering and the IMDB info pops up, the fanart also pops up.

That is no problems.

But my problem is that in showcase view when browsing through my movies the background is just a plain grey background.

So, I am wondering how do i change the background to an image.

I know it can be done as I've seen people have backgrounds in library mode instead of using the boring grey....But i'm at a loss for how to do it.

Does have any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

store the fanart as movietitle-fanart.jpg in the same folder as the movie. then rescan your library. aside from that it may be an aeon related question, check here.

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How to Add/Change the background for "Movies"0