Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
plugin folder listitems don't show $INFO[ListItem.Label2]
I think I understand the problem, but looking for confirmation.

What I have is a plugin that in typical fashion first creates a set of xbmcgui.Listitem(mylabel1,mylabel2) that are added as folder items xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(... , listitem, isFolder=True).  Have also tried xbmcgui.Listitem().setLabel2(mylabel2).

In Kodi $INFO[ListItem.Label2] is empty.

I think that is because my sort method xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(handle, SORT_METHOD_NONE, labelMask, label2Mask) there isn't any defined label2Mask for the listitem.getLabel2() in the labelformatter.

It looks to me there needs to be an additional mask like "%g" that would return the item's label2.  I did try setting both labelMask and label2Mask to "%L" and as expected both $INFO[ListItem.Label] and $INFO[ListItem.Label2] returned the item's label.  I don't think folder listitems have any associated infotag? so I don't see any other info or property to set that I could use explicitly instead of $INFO[ListItem.Label2], not that I want to as that would require more complex skin layout coding.

scott s.

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plugin folder listitems don't show $INFO[ListItem.Label2]0
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